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[79] Y.-J. Hong, S. Makita, F. Jaillon et al., “High-penetration swept source Doppleroptical coherence angiography by fully numerical phase stabilization,” Opt.Express, 20(3), 2740-2760.[80] B. Baumann, B. Potsaid, M. F. Kraus et al., “Total retinal blood flowmeasurement with ultrahigh speed swept source/Fourier domain OCT,” Biomed.Opt. Express, 2(6), 1539-1552.[81] S. H. Yun, G. Tearney, J. de Boer et al., “Motion artifacts in optical coherencetomography with frequency-domain ranging,” Opt. Express, 12(13), 2977-2998(2004).[82] M. R. Hamblin, and T. N. Demidova, “Mechanisms of low level light therapy,”Proceedings of the SPIE, 6140, 1-12 (2006).[83] M. H. Niemz, “Laser-Tissue Interactions,” Springer, (2004).[84] M. Szkulmowski, M. Wojtkowski, P. Targowski et al., “Spectral shaping andleast square iterative deconvolution in spectral OCT,” 424-431 (2004).[85] M. Szkulmowski, “Numeryczne Metody Zwiększania Jakości Obrazów wSpektralnej Tomografii Optycznej,” <strong>Wydział</strong> <strong>Fizyki</strong>, <strong>Astronomii</strong> i <strong>Informatyki</strong>Stosowanej, praca <strong>doktorska</strong>, (2008).[86] P. Targowski, and M. Iwanicka, “Optical Coherence Tomography: its role in thenon-invasive structural examination and conservation of cultural heritageobjects-a review,” Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 106(2),265-277.[87] M. A. Choma, K. Hsu, and J. A. Izatt, “Swept source optical coherencetomography using an all-fiber 1300-nm ring laser source,” Journal ofBiomedical Optics, 10(4).[88] H. Lim, J. F. de Boer, B. H. Park et al., “Optical frequency domain imaging witha rapidly swept laser in the 815-870 nm range,” Opt. Express, 14(13), 5937-5944 (2006).[89] S. H. Yun, C. Boudoux, G. J. Tearney et al., “High-speed wavelength-sweptsemiconductor laser with a polygon-scanner-based wavelength filter,” Opt. Lett.,28(20), 1981-1983 (2003).[90] S. H. Yun, G. Tearney, J. de Boer et al., “Pulsed-source and swept-sourcespectral-domain optical coherence tomography with reduced motion artifacts,”Opt. Express, 12(23), 5614-5624 (2004).[91] W. Y. Oh, S. H. Yun, G. J. Tearney et al., “Wide tuning range wavelengthsweptlaser with two semiconductor optical amplifiers,” Photonics TechnologyLetters, IEEE, 17(3), 678-680 (2005).[92] B. Vakoc, S. Yun, J. de Boer et al., “Phase-resolved optical frequency domainimaging,” Opt. Express, 13(14), 5483-5493 (2005).[93] Y. Yasuno, Y. Hong, S. Makita et al., “In vivo high-contrast imaging of deepposterior eye by 1-um swept source optical coherence tomography andscatteringoptical coherence angiography,” Opt. Express, 15(10), 6121-6139 (2007).[94] C. Kerbage, H. Lim, W. Sun et al., “Large depth-high resolution full 3Dimaging of the anterior segments of the eye using high speed optical frequencydomain imaging,” Opt. Express, 15(12), 7117-7125 (2007).[95] V. J. Srinivasan, R. Huber, I. Gorczynska et al., “High-speed, high-resolutionoptical coherence tomography retinal imaging with a frequency-swept laser at850 nm,” Opt. Lett., 32(4), 361-363 (2007).[96] S. Yamashita, and M. Asano, “Wide and fast wavelength-tunable mode-lockedfiber laser based on dispersion tuning,” Opt. Express, 14(20), 9299-9306 (2006).124

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