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10. BIBLIOGRAFIA[1] H. K. Huang, and S. C. Wu, “The evaluation of mass densities of the humanbody in vivi from CT Scans,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 6(4), 337-343 (1976).[2] T. C. Lauenstein, S. C. Goehde, C. U. Herborn et al., “Whole-Body MRImaging: Evaluation of Patients for Metastases1,” Radiology, 233(1), 139-148(2004).[3] M. J. Paulus, S. S. Gleason, S. J. Kennel et al., “High Resolution X-rayComputed Tomography: An Emerging Tool for Small Animal CancerResearch,” Neoplasia, 2(1/2), 62 (2000).[4] S.-C. Lee, K. Kim, J. Kim et al., “One Micrometer Resolution NMRMicroscopy,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 150(2), 207-213 (2001).[5] H. Ishikawa, and J. S. Schuman, “Anterior segment imaging: ultrasoundbiomicroscopy,” Ophthalmology clinics of North America, 17(1), 7-20 (2004).[6] R. H. Silverman, J. Cannata, K. K. Shung et al., “75 MHz ultrasoundbiomicroscopy of anterior segment of eye,” Ultrasonic imaging, 28(3), 179-88(2006).[7] [Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy] Springer, (2006).[8] L. Wang, and H.-i. Wu, [Biomedical Optics - Principles and Imaging] Wiley-Interscience, (2007).[9] Z. Bielecki, and A. Rogalski, “Detekcja sygnałów optycznych,” WydawnictwoNaukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, (2001).[10] D. Huang, E. Swanson, C. Lin et al., “Optical coherence tomography,” Science,254(5035), 1178-1181 (1991).[11] E. A. Swanson, J. A. Izatt, M. R. Hee et al., “In vivo retinal imaging by opticalcoherence tomography,” Opt. Lett., 18(21), 1864-1866 (1993).[12] R. Windecker, M. Fleischer, B. Franze et al., “Two methods for fast coherencetomography and topometry,” Journal of Modern Optics, 44(5), 967-977 (1997).[13] A. Rollins, S. Yazdanfar, M. Kulkarni et al., “In vivo video rate opticalcoherence tomography,” Opt. Express, 3(6), 219-229 (1998).[14] M. Wojtkowski, T. Bajraszewski, P. Targowski et al., “Real-time in vivoimaging by high-speed spectral optical coherence tomography,” Opt. Lett.,28(19), 1745-1747 (2003).[15] M. Wojtkowski, R. Leitgeb, A. Kowalczyk et al., “In vivo human retinalimaging by Fourier domain optical coherence tomography,” J Biomed Opt, 7(3),457-63 (2002).[16] S. Yun, G. Tearney, B. Bouma et al., “High-speed spectral-domain opticalcoherence tomography at 1.3 ?m wavelength,” Opt. Express, 11(26), 3598-3604(2003).[17] B. Potsaid, I. Gorczynska, V. J. Srinivasan et al., “Ultrahigh speed Spectral /Fourierdomain OCT ophthalmic imaging at70,000 to 312,500 axial scans persecond,” Opt. Express, 16(19), 15149-15169 (2008).[18] S. Yun, G. Tearney, J. de Boer et al., “High-speed optical frequency-domainimaging,” Opt. Express, 11(22), 2953-2963 (2003).[19] S. R. Chinn, E. A. Swanson, and J. G. Fujimoto, “Optical coherence tomographyusing a frequency-tunable optical source,” Opt. Lett., 22(5), 340-342 (1997).[20] F. Lexer, C. K. Hitzenberger, A. F. Fercher et al., “Wavelength-tuninginterferometry of intraocular distances,” Appl. Opt., 36(25), 6548-6553 (1997).120

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10. BIBLIOGRAFIA[1] H. K. Huang, and S. C. Wu, “The evaluation of mass densities of the humanbody in vivi from CT Scans,” Computers in Biology and Medicine, 6(4), 337-343 (1976).[2] T. C. Lauenstein, S. C. Goehde, C. U. Herborn et al., “Whole-Body MRImaging: Evaluation of Patients for Metastases1,” Radiology, 233(1), 139-148(2004).[3] M. J. Paulus, S. S. Gleason, S. J. Kennel et al., “High Resolution X-rayComputed Tomography: An Emerging Tool for Small Animal CancerResearch,” Neoplasia, 2(1/2), 62 (2000).[4] S.-C. Lee, K. Kim, J. Kim et al., “One Micrometer Resolution NMRMicroscopy,” Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 150(2), 207-213 (2001).[5] H. Ishikawa, and J. S. Schuman, “Anterior segment imaging: ultrasoundbiomicroscopy,” Ophthalmology clinics of North America, 17(1), 7-20 (2004).[6] R. H. Silverman, J. Cannata, K. K. Shung et al., “75 MHz ultrasoundbiomicroscopy of anterior segment of eye,” Ultrasonic imaging, 28(3), 179-88(2006).[7] [Handbook of Biological Confocal Microscopy] Springer, (2006).[8] L. Wang, and H.-i. Wu, [Biomedical Optics - Principles and Imaging] Wiley-Interscience, (2007).[9] Z. Bielecki, and A. Rogalski, “Detekcja sygnałów optycznych,” WydawnictwoNaukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, (2001).[10] D. Huang, E. Swanson, C. Lin et al., “Optical coherence tomography,” Science,254(5035), 1178-1181 (1991).[11] E. A. Swanson, J. A. Izatt, M. R. Hee et al., “In vivo retinal imaging by opticalcoherence tomography,” Opt. Lett., 18(21), 1864-1866 (1993).[12] R. Windecker, M. Fleischer, B. Franze et al., “Two methods for fast coherencetomography and topometry,” Journal of Modern Optics, 44(5), 967-977 (1997).[13] A. Rollins, S. Yazdanfar, M. Kulkarni et al., “In vivo video rate opticalcoherence tomography,” Opt. Express, 3(6), 219-229 (1998).[14] M. Wojtkowski, T. Bajraszewski, P. Targowski et al., “Real-time in vivoimaging by high-speed spectral optical coherence tomography,” Opt. Lett.,28(19), 1745-1747 (2003).[15] M. Wojtkowski, R. Leitgeb, A. Kowalczyk et al., “In vivo human retinalimaging by Fourier domain optical coherence tomography,” J Biomed Opt, 7(3),457-63 (2002).[16] S. Yun, G. Tearney, B. Bouma et al., “High-speed spectral-domain opticalcoherence tomography at 1.3 ?m wavelength,” Opt. Express, 11(26), 3598-3604(2003).[17] B. Potsaid, I. Gorczynska, V. J. Srinivasan et al., “Ultrahigh speed Spectral /Fourierdomain OCT ophthalmic imaging at70,000 to 312,500 axial scans persecond,” Opt. Express, 16(19), 15149-15169 (2008).[18] S. Yun, G. Tearney, J. de Boer et al., “High-speed optical frequency-domainimaging,” Opt. Express, 11(22), 2953-2963 (2003).[19] S. R. Chinn, E. A. Swanson, and J. G. Fujimoto, “Optical coherence tomographyusing a frequency-tunable optical source,” Opt. Lett., 22(5), 340-342 (1997).[20] F. Lexer, C. K. Hitzenberger, A. F. Fercher et al., “Wavelength-tuninginterferometry of intraocular distances,” Appl. Opt., 36(25), 6548-6553 (1997).120

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