Katedra matematiky - Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku

Katedra matematiky - Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku

Katedra matematiky - Katolícka univerzita v Ružomberku

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Catholic University in RužomberokScientific Issues, Teaching Mathematics II: Innovation, New Trends, Research, Ružomberok 2010LANGUAGE ASPECTS OF THE INITIAL PHASEOF THE CLIL METHOD IMPLEMENTATIONINTO MATHEMATICS LESSONSAT LOWER SECONDARY LEVELMarek ŠulistaEkonomická fakulta, Jihočeská <strong>univerzita</strong> v Českých BudějovicíchStudentská 13, 370 05 České Budějovicee-mail: sulista@ef.jcu.czAbstract. The paper presents research result conducted at lower secondary schoollevel focusing on the language aspects of the initial phase of implementation of theCLIL method into mathematics lessons.1. IntroductionIt is generally acknowledged (Ellis, 2002; Gay, 1988; Darn, 2006) that foreign(second) languages are most effectively learnt in a context which ismeaningful and interesting for the learners. This key fact makes languageteachers and methodologists think about the importance of the context andabout possible authenticity brought into the learning process. The effectivenessof the usage of a second language as a medium to convey informationalcontent of interest and relevance to the learners has become a rationaleunderlying content-based second language learning and teaching.Nowadays, there is clear evidence of stressing general knowledge of foreignlanguages in today’s society. There are many ways and possibilities ofsupporting foreign language teaching and learning, but one of them whichis more and more often used at lower and upper secondary and universitylevel is the Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) method –teaching a non-language subjects in a foreing languge.The curricular reform taking place in the Czech Republic, which allowselementary and secondary schools to make their own school curricula, usenew teaching methods and be out of the mainstream in order to becomemore attractive for prospective pupils and students and their parents, enablesschools to implement the CLIL method. However, there are different

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