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and 21 October 2011 : book of abstract. Novo mesto: Visokošolsko središče, Visoka šola za zdravstvo, 2011, str. 53-54. [COBISS.SI-ID 4065343] 15. TURK, Zmago. Manualna medicina - diagnostična in terapevtska metoda pri zdravljenju težav v hrbtenici. V: Manualna m[e]dicina : I. modul, 11. 3. in 12. 3. 2011 v UKC Maribor : (skripta za interno uporabo). Maribor: UKC: Medicinska fakulteta, 2011, f. 1-7. [COBISS.SI-ID 3879999] 1.20 Predgovor, spremna beseda 16. TURK, Zmago. Integrativna medicina - da ali ne?. Zdrav Vestn (Tisk. izd.). [Tiskana izd.], jan. 2011, letn. 80, št. 1, str. 1-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 27861977], [JCR] SEKUNDARNO AVTORSTVO Komentor pri magistrskih delih (bolonjski študij) 17. BLAGOJEVIĆ, Stanislava. Vpliv preventivnih pristopov na pojavnost padcev pri starostnikih v gerontopsihiatrični obravnavi : (magistrsko delo). Maribor: [S. Blagojević], 2011. IX, 114 str., 8 f. pril., ilustr. http://dkum.uni-mb. si/Dokument.php?id=27671. [COBISS.SI-ID 1765028] Komentor pri diplomskih delih 18. ŠPIRANEC, Olja. Zdravstvena nega otroka s posebno obliko gibalne oviranosti : (diplomsko delo). Maribor: [O. Špiranec], 2011. V, 58 f., ilustr. http:// [COBISS.SI-ID 1713060] DAMJAN ZAZULA [08061] ČLANKI IN DRUGI SESTAVNI DELI 1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek 1. RAKUN, Jurij, STAJNKO, Denis, ZAZULA, Damjan. Detecting fruits in natural scenes by using spatial-frequency based texture analysis and multiview geometry. Comput. electron. agric.. [Print ed.], 2011, letn. 76, št. 1, str. 80-88, doi: 10.1016/j.compag.2011.01.007. [COBISS.SI-ID 3078700], [JCR] 2. STEBLOVNIK, Konrad, ZAZULA, Damjan. A novel agent-based concept of household appliances. J. intell. manuf., 2011, vol. 22, no. 1, str. 73-88, doi: 10.1007/s10845-009-0279-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 13302806], [JCR] 154

1.06 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci (vabljeno predavanje) 3. ZAZULA, Damjan, ĐONLAGIĆ, Denis, ŠPRAGER, Sebastijan. Unobtrusive monitoring of biomedical signals in home environment. V: 19th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR 2011), November 22-24, 2011 Belgrade, Serbia : proceedings of papers. Piscataway: IEEE, cop. 2011, str. 31-34. [COBISS. SI-ID 15562518] 1.08 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci 4. ŠPRAGER, Sebastijan, ZAZULA, Damjan. Impact of different walking surfaces on gait identification based on higher-order statistics of accelerometer data. V: 2011 International confernece on signal and image processing applications : proceedings. Piscataway: IEEE, cop. 2011, str. 360-365. [CO- BISS.SI-ID 15586070] 5. ŠPRAGER, Sebastijan, ĐONLAGIĆ, Denis, ZAZULA, Damjan. Heart beat monitoring using optical interferometric signal and pseudo Wigner-Ville distribution. V: The 7th International Conference on Information Technology and Applications : [proceedings]. Piscataway: IEEE, cop. 2011, str. 271-275. [COBISS.SI-ID 15586582] 6. RAKUN, Jurij, STAJNKO, Denis, BERK, Peter, ZAZULA, Damjan. Detecting natural objects by using texture analysis. V: KOŠUTIĆ, Silvio (ur.). Aktualni zadaci mehanizacije poljoprivrede : zbornik radova 39. Međunarodnog simpozija iz područja mehanizacije poljoprivrede, Opatija, 22. - 25. veljače 2011 : proceedings of the 39. International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering Opatija, Croatia, 22.-25. February 2011, (Aktualni zadaci mehanizacije poljoprivrede). Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Zavod za mehanizaciju poljoprivrede, 2011, str. 351-360. [COBISS.SI-ID 3094316] 7. DIVJAK, Matjaž, ZAZULA, Damjan, HOLOBAR, Aleš. Assessment of artefact suppression by ICA and spatial filtering on reduced sets of EEG signals. V: 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, August 30 - September 3, 2011, Boston. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual international conference of the IEEE engineering in medicine and biology society, August 30 - September 3, 2011, Boston, MA USA : EMBC 2011, (Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc., 33). [New York: IEEE, 2011], str. 4422-4425. [COBISS.SI-ID 15287318] 8. ŠPRAGER, Sebastijan, ĐONLAGIĆ, Denis, ZAZULA, Damjan. Estimation of heart rate, respiratory rate and motion by using optical interferometer as body sensor. V: RAO, K. R. (ur.). Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, (SIP 2011) : December 14-16, 2011, Dallas, USA. Anaheim; Calgary; Zurich: Acta Press, cop. 2011, str. 280-287. [COBISS.SI-ID 15702038] 155

1.06 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci (vabljeno<br />

predavanje)<br />

3. ZAZULA, Damjan, ĐONLAGIĆ, Denis, ŠPRAGER, Sebastijan. Unobtrusive<br />

monitoring of biomedical signals in home environment. V: 19th Telecommunications<br />

Forum (TELFOR 2011), November 22-24, 2011 Belgrade, Serbia<br />

: proceedings of papers. Piscataway: IEEE, cop. 2011, str. 31-34. [COBISS.<br />

SI-ID 15562518]<br />

1.08 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci<br />

4. ŠPRAGER, Sebastijan, ZAZULA, Damjan. Impact of different walking surfaces<br />

on gait identification based on higher-order statistics of accelerometer<br />

data. V: 2011 International confernece on signal and image processing<br />

applications : proceedings. Piscataway: IEEE, cop. 2011, str. 360-365. [CO-<br />

BISS.SI-ID 15586070]<br />

5. ŠPRAGER, Sebastijan, ĐONLAGIĆ, Denis, ZAZULA, Damjan. Heart beat<br />

monitoring using optical interferometric signal and pseudo Wigner-Ville<br />

distribution. V: The 7th International Conference on Information Technology<br />

and Applications : [proceedings]. Piscataway: IEEE, cop. 2011, str. 271-275.<br />

[COBISS.SI-ID 15586582]<br />

6. RAKUN, Jurij, STAJNKO, Denis, BERK, Peter, ZAZULA, Damjan. Detecting<br />

natural objects by using texture analysis. V: KOŠUTIĆ, Silvio (ur.). Aktualni<br />

zadaci mehanizacije poljoprivrede : zbornik radova 39. Međunarodnog simpozija<br />

iz područja mehanizacije poljoprivrede, Opatija, 22. - 25. veljače 2011<br />

: proceedings of the 39. International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering<br />

Opatija, Croatia, 22.-25. February 2011, (Aktualni zadaci mehanizacije<br />

poljoprivrede). Zagreb: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, Zavod<br />

za mehanizaciju poljoprivrede, 2011, str. 351-360. [COBISS.SI-ID 3094316]<br />

7. DIVJAK, Matjaž, ZAZULA, Damjan, HOLOBAR, Aleš. Assessment of artefact<br />

suppression by ICA and spatial filtering on reduced sets of EEG signals.<br />

V: 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in<br />

Medicine and Biology Society, August 30 - September 3, 2011, Boston. Proceedings<br />

of the 33rd Annual international conference of the IEEE engineering<br />

in medicine and biology society, August 30 - September 3, 2011, Boston,<br />

MA USA : EMBC 2011, (Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc., 33). [New York:<br />

IEEE, 2011], str. 4422-4425. [COBISS.SI-ID 15287318]<br />

8. ŠPRAGER, Sebastijan, ĐONLAGIĆ, Denis, ZAZULA, Damjan. Estimation of<br />

heart rate, respiratory rate and motion by using optical interferometer as<br />

body sensor. V: RAO, K. R. (ur.). Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference<br />

on Signal and Image Processing, (SIP 2011) : December 14-16, 2011,<br />

Dallas, USA. Anaheim; Calgary; Zurich: Acta Press, cop. 2011, str. 280-287.<br />

[COBISS.SI-ID 15702038]<br />


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