Zde - 2. lékařská fakulta - Univerzita Karlova

Zde - 2. lékařská fakulta - Univerzita Karlova Zde - 2. lékařská fakulta - Univerzita Karlova


P-70. GENE SHB IS UNDEREXPRESSED IN HUMAN PROSTATE CANCER TISSUE INCOMPARISON TO BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIASchmidt M. 1 , Jarolim L. 1 , Babjuk M. 1 , Vesely S. 1 , Mares J. 21 Department of Urology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic; 2 Department of Biologyand Medical Genetics, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech RepublicSupervisor: doc. MUDr. Ladislav Jarolím CSc.Introduction: Early detection of prostate cancer (pCa) is based on serum level evaluation of prostatespecific antigen (PSA), digital rectal examination and ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. Risk factorsfor pCa are not yet well-defined and to date no molecular markers have been used in clinical practice.SHB (Src homology 2 domain-containing adapter protein B) is involved in receptor tyrosine kinasesignaling, angiogenesis, apoptosis and cell cycle regulation. Reduced tumour growth in vivo andincreased c-Abl activity in PC3 prostate cancer cells overexpressing SHB has been described in mice.Aims: To compare the SHB expression in pCa and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) withclinicopathological data and to evaluate its diagnostic and prognostic potential.Materials and Methods: The study comprised 56 patients with histologically confirmed PCa including39 classified as T2 and 17 evaluated as T3 and T4. As a control group, 26 patients with benignprostate hyperplasia were used. Material has been obtained perioperatively in surgical procedures orwith transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy. Tumor tissues were clinically and microscopically classifiedaccording to the TNM classification and Gleason score. RNA was isolated by Qiagen Midi mRNA kit.RT-PCR was performed by Qiagen One Step RT-PCR kit according to the manufacturer´srecommendations. We used expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase as anendogenous control gene for calculation of the relative expression. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. P less or equal 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Cut off values werecalculated by partition platform of the software.Results: Relative gene expression of the SHB was significantly higher in BPH samples(μ=0.647±0.237; p

P-71. VLIV TELMISARTANU A HYPERINZULINÉMIE NA EXPRESI GENŮ U PACIENTŮ SPORUCHOU GLUKÓZOVÉ TOLERANCEKlementová M. 1 , Wohl P. 1 , Krušinová E. 1 , Kratochvílová S. 1 , Kopecký J. 1 , Halbhuber Y. 2 , Blatný R. 2 ,Pelikánová T. 11 Centrum diabetologie, Institut klinické a experimentální medicíny Praha; 2 Central EuropeanBiosystems PrahaŠkolitel: Prof. MUDr. Terezie Pelikánová, DrSc.Úvod: Několik dřívějších studií popsalo preventivní účinek běžného antihypertenziva telmisartanu protirozvoji diabetu mellitu. Mechanismus, kterým zlepšuje glukózový a lipidový metabolismu cestoublokády angiotenzinových receptorů, však není u lidí dosud zcela vysvětlen.Cíl: Naším cílem bylo nalézt geny, jejichž exprese bude ovlivněna podáváním telmisartanu a zároveňzohlednit roli hyperinzulinémie.Materiál a metody: 12 pacientů s poruchou glukózové tolerance dokončilo dvojitě zaslepenou,randomizovanou cross-over studii. Pacienti užívali 3 týdny 160 mg/d telmisartanu (T) nebo placebo (P)a poté naopak s 2 týdenní wash-out periodou. Na konci každé periody byl proveden hyperinzulínovýeuglykemický clamp. V čase 0 a 30 min byly izolovány mononukleární buňky ze žilní krve, ze kterýchbyla získána RNA. Poté byl stanoven celogenomový profil metodou expresní microarraye. Funkčnívztahy ovlivněných genů byly hodnoceny programem MetaCore.Výsledky: Významný rozdíl v expresi genů byl nalezen mezi T 0 min (od počátku clampu) a P v čase0 min (1248genů, p

P-70. GENE SHB IS UNDEREXPRESSED IN HUMAN PROSTATE CANCER TISSUE INCOMPARISON TO BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIASchmidt M. 1 , Jarolim L. 1 , Babjuk M. 1 , Vesely S. 1 , Mares J. 21 Department of Urology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic; 2 Department of Biologyand Medical Genetics, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech RepublicSupervisor: doc. MUDr. Ladislav Jarolím CSc.Introduction: Early detection of prostate cancer (pCa) is based on serum level evaluation of prostatespecific antigen (PSA), digital rectal examination and ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy. Risk factorsfor pCa are not yet well-defined and to date no molecular markers have been used in clinical practice.SHB (Src homology 2 domain-containing adapter protein B) is involved in receptor tyrosine kinasesignaling, angiogenesis, apoptosis and cell cycle regulation. Reduced tumour growth in vivo andincreased c-Abl activity in PC3 prostate cancer cells overexpressing SHB has been described in mice.Aims: To compare the SHB expression in pCa and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) withclinicopathological data and to evaluate its diagnostic and prognostic potential.Materials and Methods: The study comprised 56 patients with histologically confirmed PCa including39 classified as T2 and 17 evaluated as T3 and T4. As a control group, 26 patients with benignprostate hyperplasia were used. Material has been obtained perioperatively in surgical procedures orwith transrectal ultrasound guided biopsy. Tumor tissues were clinically and microscopically classifiedaccording to the TNM classification and Gleason score. RNA was isolated by Qiagen Midi mRNA kit.RT-PCR was performed by Qiagen One Step RT-PCR kit according to the manufacturer´srecommendations. We used expression of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase as anendogenous control gene for calculation of the relative expression. The data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test. P less or equal 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Cut off values werecalculated by partition platform of the software.Results: Relative gene expression of the SHB was significantly higher in BPH samples(μ=0.647±0.237; p

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