Zde - 2. lékařská fakulta - Univerzita Karlova

Zde - 2. lékařská fakulta - Univerzita Karlova Zde - 2. lékařská fakulta - Univerzita Karlova


P-56. EXPRESSION OF CARBOANHYDRASE IX IN MALIGNANT MESOTHELIOMA - ANIMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOCYTOCHEMICAL STUDYCapkova L. 1 , Koubkova L. 2 , Kodet R. 11 Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine; 2 Department of PneumologySupervisor: prof. MUDr. Roman Kodet, CSc.Introduction: Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive tumour with a poor prognosis. Carbonicanhydrase IX (CAIX) is a membranously located metalloenzyme involved in pH homeostasis withinfluence on regulation of cell proliferation, oncogenesis and tumour progression. Much attention hasbeen paid recently to carboanhydrases and their inhibitors as they offer an opportunity for bothdeveloping novel anticancer drugs, as well as diagnostic and prognostic tools.Aims: This study was designed to assess the expression of CAIX in malignant pleural and peritonealmesotheliomas, their benign counterparts, and in pleural effusions of patients with malignantmesothelioma, metastatic carcinoma or a benign disease.Materials and Methods: Tissue blocks from 51 malignant mesotheliomas of pleura (47 cases; 41epithelioid, 2 biphasic, 4 sarcomatoid) and peritoneum (4 cases; all epithelioid), 14 cases with normalor reactive pleural tissue, and 19 cell blocks were analyzed. CAIX expression was determined usingimmunohistochemistry and membranous immunoreactivity was semiquantitatively evaluated.Specimens were divided into five subgroups according to the staining pattern and intensity.Results: Overall, 92.2% (47/51) of mesotheliomas expressed CAIX. All epithelioid mesotheliomasshowed CAIX positivity, which was predominantly strong and diffuse (73.3%, 33/45). Sarcomatoidmesotheliomas and sarcomatoid areas in biphasic masotheliomas were negative. A strong diffusestaining was observed in all cases of normal mesothelia. In pleural effusions, CAIX expression wasobserved in malignant as well as in benign mesothelial cells.Conclusions: In conclusion, CAIX is expressed virtually in all mesotheliomas except for sarcomatoidsubtype, and in benign mesothelia. There are probably more mechanisms of CAIX overexpressionthan hypoxia-induced in malignant mesothelioma, with the influence of other tissue specifictranscription or growth factors depending on the type of the cell of origin. CAIX immunoreactivity is nota reliable marker in distinguishing malignant cells form benign mesothelia. Nevertheless, our datasupport the potential use of therapeutics targeting CAIX in patients with advanced mesothelioma.Support: The study was supported by the project of Ministry of Health, Czech Republic for conceptualdevelopment of research organization 00064203 (University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic).88

P-57. LÉČBA FENOFIBRÁTEM ZMÍRŇUJE ANGIOTENZIN II DEPENDENTNÍ HYPERTENZICYP1A1-REN-2 TRANSGENNÍCH POTKANŮVarcabová Š. 1,2 , Kopkan L. 1 , Husková Z. 1 , Červenka L. 1,21 Institut klinické a experimentální medicíny v Praze; 2 2.lékařská fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, PrahaŠkolitel: prof. MUDr. Luděk Červenka, CSc. MBAÚvod: Nedávné studie prokázaly, že 20-hydroxyeikosatetraenové kyseliny (20-HETEs), které vznikajípři metabolismu arachidonové kyseliny cestou cytochromu P-450 (CYP) mají významné vazoaktivníúčinky, nicméně tyto účinky jsou v mnoha ohledech protikladné. 20-HETEs působí na jednu stranujako významná vazokonstrikční látka v periferním a obzvláště v renálním řečišti, na druhou stranutlumí reabsorpci sodíku v renálních tubulech. V poslední době přibývá důkazů, že právě intrarenálnídeficit 20-HETEs významně akcentuje natriumretenční účinky renin-angiotenzin-aldosteronovéhosystému (RAAS). A právě na základě těchto poznatků jsme představili hypotézu, že tento deficit 20-HETEs v oblasti tubulárního systému nefronu zhoršuje fungování tlakově-natriuretického mechanizmuledvin a přispívá k rozvoji hypertenze.Cíl: Cílem naší studie bylo ověřit, zda podání fenofibrátu, a tím pádem zvýšení exprese 20-HETEs,povede ke zmírnění hypertenze díky zlepšení renálních funkcí u CYP1A1-Ren-2 transgenníchpotkanů.Materiál a metody: Hypertenzi u Cyp1A1-Ren-2 potkanů jsme indukovali podáním diety s obsahempřírodního xenobiotika indol-3-carbinol (I3C, 0.3 %), které spouští masivní expresi vloženého myšíhoreninového genu a tím pádem rychlý rozvoj angiotenzin II dependentní formy hypertenze. Zároveňjsme potkanům podávali fenofibrát v dietě(3g/kg) po dobu 11 dní. V první části pokusu jsme sledovalivliv léčby fenofibrátem na střední arteriální tlak, systolický tlak a srdeční frekvenci pomocítelemetrických sond. V druhé části pokusu jsme prováděli akutní renální pokusy, během nichž bylypotkanům měřeny bazální hodnoty středního arteriálního tlaku, průtoku krve ledvinou a odebírányvzorky moči a krve na stanovení bazálních hodnot glomerulární filtrace, vylučování sodíku a objemuvyloučené moči.Výsledky: Po podání fenofibrátu došlo u indukovaných potkanů ke zpomalení rozvoje hypertenze a kjejímu statisticky významnému zmírnění (144 ± 5 vs. 176 ± 2 mmHg, p

P-56. EXPRESSION OF CARBOANHYDRASE IX IN MALIGNANT MESOTHELIOMA - ANIMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL AND IMMUNOCYTOCHEMICAL STUDYCapkova L. 1 , Koubkova L. 2 , Kodet R. 11 Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine; 2 Department of PneumologySupervisor: prof. MUDr. Roman Kodet, CSc.Introduction: Malignant mesothelioma is an aggressive tumour with a poor prognosis. Carbonicanhydrase IX (CAIX) is a membranously located metalloenzyme involved in pH homeostasis withinfluence on regulation of cell proliferation, oncogenesis and tumour progression. Much attention hasbeen paid recently to carboanhydrases and their inhibitors as they offer an opportunity for bothdeveloping novel anticancer drugs, as well as diagnostic and prognostic tools.Aims: This study was designed to assess the expression of CAIX in malignant pleural and peritonealmesotheliomas, their benign counterparts, and in pleural effusions of patients with malignantmesothelioma, metastatic carcinoma or a benign disease.Materials and Methods: Tissue blocks from 51 malignant mesotheliomas of pleura (47 cases; 41epithelioid, 2 biphasic, 4 sarcomatoid) and peritoneum (4 cases; all epithelioid), 14 cases with normalor reactive pleural tissue, and 19 cell blocks were analyzed. CAIX expression was determined usingimmunohistochemistry and membranous immunoreactivity was semiquantitatively evaluated.Specimens were divided into five subgroups according to the staining pattern and intensity.Results: Overall, 9<strong>2.</strong>2% (47/51) of mesotheliomas expressed CAIX. All epithelioid mesotheliomasshowed CAIX positivity, which was predominantly strong and diffuse (73.3%, 33/45). Sarcomatoidmesotheliomas and sarcomatoid areas in biphasic masotheliomas were negative. A strong diffusestaining was observed in all cases of normal mesothelia. In pleural effusions, CAIX expression wasobserved in malignant as well as in benign mesothelial cells.Conclusions: In conclusion, CAIX is expressed virtually in all mesotheliomas except for sarcomatoidsubtype, and in benign mesothelia. There are probably more mechanisms of CAIX overexpressionthan hypoxia-induced in malignant mesothelioma, with the influence of other tissue specifictranscription or growth factors depending on the type of the cell of origin. CAIX immunoreactivity is nota reliable marker in distinguishing malignant cells form benign mesothelia. Nevertheless, our datasupport the potential use of therapeutics targeting CAIX in patients with advanced mesothelioma.Support: The study was supported by the project of Ministry of Health, Czech Republic for conceptualdevelopment of research organization 00064203 (University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic).88

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