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Ćwiczenie VII – You are looking for a secretary/nanny/typist. Write a short advertisement.Praca w grupach. Redagowanie tekstów ofertpracy oraz og³oszeñ o pracy poszukiwanej. Pozredagowaniu og³oszenia zostaj¹ powieszonena klasowej tablicy og³oszeñ.Ćwiczenie VIII – How to apply for a job.Uczniowie otrzymuj¹ tekst ze wskazówkami natemat informacji, jakie powinno siê uj¹æ w ,,résumé’’.The companies that offer job opportunities usuallyexpect the candidates to send their C.V. or resumefirst. A résumé presents an overall image of thecandidate. If you are looking for a job the followingwill help you to prepare your résumé.It is best to prepare your résumé well inadvance. Have several copies of it,as usually youwill apply for a position (or a job) with more thanone company. Stress your strong points in yourrésumé,make it easy to read,and easy to follow. Butremember,be honest. Do not try to oversell yourself.Your future employer should not be disappointedby the real you when you are invited for a personalinterview.AddressInclude your complete adress. Do not forgetyour post-office code! Include your telephone number.ObjectiveInclude in your résumé a short statement ofwhat you are looking for in a job. You may writewhat your hopes are. You may also state your objectivesin a cover letter that you send with your résumé.An example of your objective may be ,,A positionin the marketing division of your company’’,or,,An assistant-secretary to the manager of your company’’,or ,,A sales representative of your company’’.EmploymentYou should include your job history,ora short history of your employment. Stress yourexperience and your skills. Remember to leave nogaps in time,or you will have to do a lot ofexplaining when you are invited for an interview.EducationYour education may be more important thanyour employment record. Make full use of it. Youmay,if you want,put the education section first inyour résumé,if you think it is more impressive thanyour job history. State clearly what schools and collegesyou graduated from. Include specialized coursesthat you have taken. Stress your academic achievements.If you graduated with honors – mention it. Listyour grade point average if it was good enough (thatis if your average was at least 3.8 or better).ADVICEThe Résumé or How to Apply for a JobPersonalIn this section include your language skills.You may write what language courses you completed,ifyou learned your language at a presitigiousinstitution. Write about your experience abroad,ifyou have traveled. Stress your experience workingfor a foreign company,that is,working in an internationalenvironment.ReferencesMajor companies usually expect you to presentreferences. It is good policy to have them ready.You may,if you want,send them along with yourrésumé,or have them ready to present at the time ofyour interview. If you do not send them along withyour résumé,then it is a good policy to write:,,References available on request.’’ It is a good ideato have a few people in mind and ask them beforehandto provide a reference. If you are a recentuniversity graduate,ask your professors to writethem. You may ask a recent employer to writeone for you. It is a good idea to have someoneknown by the company you are applying for a jobwith to write a letter of recommendation. It isgood policy to ask several people to write lettersof recommendation for you when you are workingwith them or for them. You may then examine themand keep those that serve your purpose best. Rememberto make copies of your letters of recommendation.If you have publications list them. You may,if you want,attach copies of your publications.Cover LetterIf you are not presenting your résumé inperson and sending it by mail,then you should writea brief cover letter. This letter introduces you. It isalso the best way to present your objectives,yourhopes,and requirements. You may write what youexpect from the job you are applying for. You maywrite what salary you expect. Remember,usuallyyour job application and résumé will be one of manyother letters and résumés. A nice letter may help. Itis also a good idea to attach to your résumé a selfaddressed,stampedenvelope. The company will useit to send a reply.52

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