Mazingira Bora - TIST

Mazingira Bora - TIST Mazingira Bora - TIST


KIPSIGIS VERSION4kandoindet nebo wiki noton ak talentaishek chekoibor chi choton.Kujengana kora kotoretech kenai olekicheng’toi tuguk che kororon en membaek .Yochekinet ng’elepwokik chok komwa tuguk che tech’. kora, konoe groupit noton kit neibwote kolebo maana en kandoik. Kandoik che rube koneteke en ng’alek che kakas en kujengana akopokandoik che kokobata ak konai kit ne ibwotemembaek kole yomeke en servan leaders.En wolunet nebo Kujengana, komwoe kondoindetnebo wiki noton kole ‘ kong’oi’, yon kakomwamembayat age tugul . Inoniton koboiboitekandoindet ‘ab wiki noton yon kakemwochi tugukche kororon che koyai en groupit ak tuyoshek.En yuton kimuche kinet ke tuguk chekimoging’en akobo echek!Kujengana kotoreti kandoindet ‘abkasaraton konai talentaishek che tinyeakotakoboishen. Kujengana kora kotoretigroupishek che meng’echen , ang’amun kandoiktugul kotese skills chebo kandoinatet. Kujenganako berurto konyil oeng’Wechet ‘ab bek: Ene asikobo maana akokimuchekeyai ne?Yon kae pik , bek che mokinde kerichekanan ko chemakiyo, komuchkomyonso.Yomeke kinet pik en cluster akkokwotinwekchok akopo yet ‘ab bek che kokindekerichek asi kebos mianwokik che ireu bek.Wechet ‘ab bek koibu tuguk che chang’:1. Yon mokinde kerichek waste chebofactoriishek.2. Yon kowech bek pik en kibu olemi , oinoshekak ny’anchoshek.3. Koreitoet ‘ab bek ne ya, neyoe koba wasteole bunu bek.tuguk cheu mbolea akchemicals alak chemi imbarenikchok, komuchkochut oinoshek.4. Mwetet ‘ab ingoroik in ole inomen oinoshek.5. Yaaet ‘ ab bek ak haja kubwa en ole negit akoinoshek.6. Slabit ne kikobetes en borehole.7. Rorunet ‘ab toilets ak latrines en ruralareas.imuch komwet robta waste chebopik koba oinet.8. Tyongik cheu tug ache ogete en ole negitak oinoshek.Wechet ‘ab bek koreu tuguk che chang’:1. Imuch kobar tyongik anan ko bpik yon michemicals.anan koib poisoning yon kochutfertilizes oinet neyoe kochanga plantsoinoshek. Yon komiyo plants ichuton koboseoxygen chemiten bek, neyoi komeyo tyokiken bek.2. Bek chewechotin yon kakiboishen en chobetab omitwokik ,mwetet ‘ab ingoroik, ak yonkakiye kotese mionwokik en pik. Mianwokikche cholera , skin disease, diarrhea ak intestinalworms.3. Alak en chemicals chemiten bechutonkotesoksei en porwekchok, neyoekopoisonenech , echek ak lokok chok.Ne nekimuche keyai akobo weget ‘ab bek?1. Matkewirchi saratik anan kinde wastealaktugul bek.2. Kemin ketik en tobonwokik ‘ab oinoshek aklakes. Tikitik ‘ab ketik kochukchukoni bek akkoter ng’ung’unyek ama ba bek.3. Matkeminse en olenekit ak oinoshek , aklakes asi koter komaba ferterlizes bek.4. Keamdechi pik kotechzo en ole lo enoinoshek.5. Keker kele koribok boreholes ak tabaita.6. Kinde ng’otwet en tobonwokik ‘ab oinoshekak boreholes.7. Matkichomndechhi pik komwetis en olenekit ak oinet.8. Keker kele latrines komi en ole sire 50Mkongeten oinet . kechop drainage ne yamatak ketesta channel.9. Kerepairen cracks chemiten slabishek ‘abboreholes .10. Yoche kiyo bek koron asi keyee, anan kindekerichek si kobar tyong’ik che ireumianwokik.

KIPSIGIS VERSIONMoringa: Min keti bo maana en nutrition ak Health.By Zakayo KayuriMoringa ko ketit nebo maanan. Yonkakemin en compound negunget koibuurwet nekararn ak kokoni nutritionnewo. Kora kotilile bek koboishen sokek chekakaiyamsi. Tinye kora borate nebo kerichek,economical ak nutritional value. Sokek ‘ab moringakokonu manfaa chbo nutrition :1. Nyilen somok iron chebo spinach.2. Proteins cheten chebo maayat.3. Nyilen angwan vit A, chebo carrot.4. Nyilen angwan calcium chemi cheko .5. Nyilen tisab Vit C chimeten orange.6. Nyilen angwan potassium chemiten enindizinik.Moringa ckomuche konya mianwokik, kounbek ak kokon omitwokik.Ndenderek ‘ab Moringa che kakichilkomuche kotilil bek kobose rabinik okot kosirokot chemicals che kiibu en bitonin. Mixen kijikokoeng chebo ndenderek che kakechil ak bek 20litres . isacsac bek chuton . Simto akbacteria,kong’etu en ngweny en teret yonkakechukchukan.Moringa kimuche kinyaen skin diseases,bost ‘ab blood sugar, kanyaet ‘ab gastric ulcers,boset ‘ab blood pressure ak kitulisan nervoussystem.Moringa kimuche kiboishen koik kwenik ,organic fertilizer ak omitwoki ‘ab livestock.Agenge en ketik chebo maana kabisa,. Temik‘ab TIST enen asi tekany? Yon kakemin moringaen TIST, kesiche credits chebo carbon, ak manufaachu kakemwa.Ingomin okot agenge chitugul en echek!5Toret cluter nengung konyor Groves Baselined.Sectionit ni korefereni agobo baseline motracks. Misen tracks che chang’ kora.Miten 41,000 groves en KE, 29,000 chemi enPDs, 4,500 kochopotin kobo PD nerube ak 7,000chetomo kochobok.1068 groves ko “priority” groves (Kichakuanigrooves en ketik che sire 400,ak ketesyi grooveschemi grooves negerge. Inoniton kokonech 50%chebo ketik che miseni. Kikiyai inoniton angamunen speed nebune gtteamit ‘ab Kenya kokikikkerkele matot konyit 7000 che mogotin. cheng’etunotin ko matun ko togunotin en VCS).Ko maget ‘ab carbon market,groupishek tugulchemiten en TIST koyoche kotinye groves ikchwakbaselined ak ke validaten. Groves ichoton koyochekotinye tracks che choton ch iboru ole kikiminchiketik . External auditors cheyoe validation , ichekche kere kole boiman ng’alek choton . Validationkobo maana , ne machat en carbon business. Toretikoyanak en olik ab carbon credit ak carbon marketregulators kole kasit ne yoe temik ‘ab TIST ko boiman, ak koitchin markets standards.Raini , komiten 41,000 groves en Kenya, 29,000groves kokikivalidaten.Ala kokikeverifien. Verification, koconfirmenicarbon sequestered ketik ‘ab temik ‘ab TIST. Yonkakeyochi verification ole imuche TIST koaldacarbon credits aka k kisich income chebo temik .Lakini , TIST koyoche kobor kayanet ,togunet akkonunet ‘ab ke en data chkakecorrectan.En 12,000 groves che kokonget , 4,500 grovesko chobotin akini 7,000 groves kotomo kochobok. En 7,000 groves ichoton , 1,068 groves ko “priority”groves.TIST en ingunon , kosome membaek tgulkotoret Quantifiers en Quantification che nomegeak baselines ak tracks cheebo groves ichuton enharaka .Angot kebaselinen grooves tugul kotomokobek arawaniton (October, 2012), kimuche kesomValidators kobwa koyochi audit en arawa non isubuanan ko December. Kaikai opangan’ kotuyo clusterneng’ungeet ak Quantifiers en olemi grovesakkochopok kowol tebutik.Tablit ne isubu koboru cluster ak grovestchemokchin ke baseline en haraka. Kaikai ongalalenen cluster ole kimuche keshughulikianda komabekwiki ni,anan ko nanyone. Kora onyoru quantifierakotepen angot kokoyai inendet quantification.TIST Leadership Council ak US Team ko tayarikotoretech.

KIPSIGIS VERSION4kandoindet nebo wiki noton ak talentaishek chekoibor chi choton.Kujengana kora kotoretech kenai olekicheng’toi tuguk che kororon en membaek .Yochekinet ng’elepwokik chok komwa tuguk che tech’. kora, konoe groupit noton kit neibwote kolebo maana en kandoik. Kandoik che rube koneteke en ng’alek che kakas en kujengana akopokandoik che kokobata ak konai kit ne ibwotemembaek kole yomeke en servan leaders.En wolunet nebo Kujengana, komwoe kondoindetnebo wiki noton kole ‘ kong’oi’, yon kakomwamembayat age tugul . Inoniton koboiboitekandoindet ‘ab wiki noton yon kakemwochi tugukche kororon che koyai en groupit ak tuyoshek.En yuton kimuche kinet ke tuguk chekimoging’en akobo echek!Kujengana kotoreti kandoindet ‘abkasaraton konai talentaishek che tinyeakotakoboishen. Kujengana kora kotoretigroupishek che meng’echen , ang’amun kandoiktugul kotese skills chebo kandoinatet. Kujenganako berurto konyil oeng’Wechet ‘ab bek: Ene asikobo maana akokimuchekeyai ne?Yon kae pik , bek che mokinde kerichekanan ko chemakiyo, komuchkomyonso.Yomeke kinet pik en cluster akkokwotinwekchok akopo yet ‘ab bek che kokindekerichek asi kebos mianwokik che ireu bek.Wechet ‘ab bek koibu tuguk che chang’:1. Yon mokinde kerichek waste chebofactoriishek.2. Yon kowech bek pik en kibu olemi , oinoshekak ny’anchoshek.3. Koreitoet ‘ab bek ne ya, neyoe koba wasteole bunu bek.tuguk cheu mbolea akchemicals alak chemi imbarenikchok, komuchkochut oinoshek.4. Mwetet ‘ab ingoroik in ole inomen oinoshek.5. Yaaet ‘ ab bek ak haja kubwa en ole negit akoinoshek.6. Slabit ne kikobetes en borehole.7. Rorunet ‘ab toilets ak latrines en ruralareas.imuch komwet robta waste chebopik koba oinet.8. Tyongik cheu tug ache ogete en ole negitak oinoshek.Wechet ‘ab bek koreu tuguk che chang’:1. Imuch kobar tyongik anan ko bpik yon michemicals.anan koib poisoning yon kochutfertilizes oinet neyoe kochanga plantsoinoshek. Yon komiyo plants ichuton koboseoxygen chemiten bek, neyoi komeyo tyokiken bek.2. Bek chewechotin yon kakiboishen en chobetab omitwokik ,mwetet ‘ab ingoroik, ak yonkakiye kotese mionwokik en pik. Mianwokikche cholera , skin disease, diarrhea ak intestinalworms.3. Alak en chemicals chemiten bechutonkotesoksei en porwekchok, neyoekopoisonenech , echek ak lokok chok.Ne nekimuche keyai akobo weget ‘ab bek?1. Matkewirchi saratik anan kinde wastealaktugul bek.2. Kemin ketik en tobonwokik ‘ab oinoshek aklakes. Tikitik ‘ab ketik kochukchukoni bek akkoter ng’ung’unyek ama ba bek.3. Matkeminse en olenekit ak oinoshek , aklakes asi koter komaba ferterlizes bek.4. Keamdechi pik kotechzo en ole lo enoinoshek.5. Keker kele koribok boreholes ak tabaita.6. Kinde ng’otwet en tobonwokik ‘ab oinoshekak boreholes.7. Matkichomndechhi pik komwetis en olenekit ak oinet.8. Keker kele latrines komi en ole sire 50Mkongeten oinet . kechop drainage ne yamatak ketesta channel.9. Kerepairen cracks chemiten slabishek ‘abboreholes .10. Yoche kiyo bek koron asi keyee, anan kindekerichek si kobar tyong’ik che ireumianwokik.

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