Walter Rea

Walter Rea

Walter Rea


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_21 _<br />

19' Glendale Corrnittee, l,Ellen G. White and lłer Sources'', taśmy' 28<br />

-29 stycznia 1980.<br />

20. /BLbLe Conference/, "The Bibl,e Conference of 1919,,, Spectrum 10,<br />

nr. 1 /maj 1979/t 23-57.<br />

2l. Glendale Corunittee, /'|98o/ taśny.<br />

ZZ. EcU, "Selcred Messages", 3 vol. /Washington: RJlpA, l95g-g0/,vol.<br />

I, str.37.<br />

23. EGw, "Testimonies of the church", vol. 4, str. 147-48. Testimo_<br />

ny 27 /1876/.<br />

24. Ibid., vol . 5, srr. 66, Testimony 31 /1BBZ/ ,<br />

25. EGIĄI' ''selected Messages'', vol. 1, str. 27.<br />

zo. L Dao -<br />

27. Daniel March, "Nighr Scenes in rhe Bible" /lhilaae lph ia: Zeigle r,<br />

McCurdy and Co. 1870/, str. 201-2.<br />

28. EGW, 'rTesEimonies", vo1. 3, str. 141, Testimony 22 l1g7Zl .<br />

29. Larkin B. Coles, ''Philosophy of lłealth: Natural Principles of<br />

Health and Cure", /Boston: Willian D. Ticknor and Co., 1949,<br />

1851 , 1853/ , sxr, 144-45.<br />

30. Publikacja White Esrate na sesje ceneralnej Konferencji w 19gO<br />

r. w Dallas, Teksas. l,lywiad Roberta Spanglera z Robertem OIsonen<br />

i Ronem Graybil lem.<br />

31. t{illianr S. Sadler, ',The Truth about Spiritualisrn" /Chicaso: A.<br />

C. McCIurg and Co., 19231 , str. g8.<br />

32. John l{arris, rrThe Great Teacher", ,/Ampherst: J.S. and C. Adans,<br />

l836: Boston: Gould and Lincoln, 187Ol' str' 14-'l8: Por. takźe<br />

EGW, "Testimonies for the Church", vo1 . 6, str. 5g-60.<br />

JJ. lD1Cl -<br />

34. Patrz Review and }łerald, 2 kwietnia 1981, ''Did Mrs. White Borrow<br />

in Reporting a Vision". srr. 7.<br />

35, Patrz EGW, "Testirnonies to Ministers", /Mountain View: pacific<br />

Press Association, 1923/, str. ,l93, John Harris, "The Great Te,<br />

alcher", str.58.

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