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Kodi NK Pershkrimi Tarifa (%) Njesi 1 2 3 4 0304 29 45 – – – – Te tonit (te llojit Thunnus) dhe te peshkut te llojit Euthynnus ....... Pa takse —– – – – Te skumrit (Scomber scobrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomberjaponicus) dhe te peshkut te llojit Orcynopsis unicolor: 0304 29 51 – – – – – Te skumrit te llojit Scomber australasicus .................................. Pa takse — 0304 29 53 – – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................ Pa takse —– – – – Te hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.):– – – – – Te hake te llojit Merluccius: 0304 29 55 – – – – – – Te hake te ujrave te ceketa (Merluccius capensis dhe haketeujravete thella (Merluccius paradoxus) .................................................. Pa takse — 0304 29 56 – – – – – – Te hake te Argjentines (hake te atlatikut te jugut) (Merlucciushubbsi) ...................................................................................................... Pa takse — 0304 29 58 – – – – – – Te tjera ..................................................................................... Pa takse — 0304 29 59 – – – – – Te hake te llojit Urophycis .......................................................... Pa takse — – – – – Te peshkaqeneve : 0304 29 61 – – – – – Te peshkaqenit (Squalus acanthias dhe Scyliorhinus spp.) ........ Pa takse — 0304 29 65 – – – – – Peshkaqene Porbeagle (Lamna Nasus)... ..................................... Pa takse — 0304 29 68 – – – – – Te peshkaqeneve te tjere ............................................................. Pa takse — 0304 29 71 – – – – Te plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) .................................................. Pa takse — 0304 29 73 – – – – Te barbunit (Platichthys flesus) .................................................... Pa takse — 0304 29 75 – – – – Te harrengave (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) ........................ Pa takse — 0304 29 79 – – – – Te megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.) ................................................ Pa takse — 0304 29 83 – – – – Te peshkut majmun (Lophius spp) ................................................ Pa takse — 0304 29 85 – – – – Te Pollakut te Alaskes (Theragra chalcogramma) ........................ Pa takse — 0304 29 91 – – – – Te grenadierit blu (Macruronus novaezealandiae) ........................ Pa takse — 0304 29 99 – – – – Te tjera........................................................................................... Pa takse —– Te tjera: 0304 91 00 – – Te peshkut shpate (Xiphias gladius) ................................................ Pa takse — 0304 92 00 – – Te Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) ...................................................... Pa takse — 0304 99 – – Te tjera: 0304 99 10 – – – Surimi ............................................................................................... Pa takse —– – – Te tjera: 0304 99 21 – – – – Te peshkut te ujrave te embla ........................................................ Pa takse —– – – – Te tjera: 0304 99 23 – – – – – Te harrengave (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) ..................... Pa takse — 0304 99 29 – – – – – Te peshkut te kuq (Sebastes spp) ............................................... Pa takse — – – – – – Te Merlucit (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadusmacrocephalus) dhe te peshkut te llojit Boreogadus saida: 0304 99 31 – – – – – – Te merlucit te llojit Gadus macrocephalus ............................... Pa takse —

Kodi NK Pershkrimi Tarifa (%) Njesi 1 2 3 4 0304 99 33 – – – – – – Te merlucit te llojit Gadus morhua .......................................... Pa takse — 0304 99 39 – – – – – – Te tjera ..................................................................................... Pa takse — 0304 99 41 – – – – – Te peshkut te zi (Pollachius virens) ........................................... Pa takse — 0304 99 45 – – – – – Te eglefinit (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) ................................. Pa takse — 0304 99 51 – – – – – Te Hake (Merluccius spp.,Urophycis spp.) ................................ Pa takse — 0304 99 55 – – – – – Te megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.) ............................................. Pa takse — 0304 99 61 – – – – – Te krapit te Rrezeve (Brama spp.) ............................................. Pa takse — 0304 99 65 – – – – – Te peshkut majmun (Lophius spp.) ............................................ Pa takse — 0304 99 71 – – – – – Te whiting blu (Micromesistius poutassou apo Gaduspoutassou) ................................................................................................. Pa takse — 0304 99 75 – – – – – Te pollakut te Alaskes (Theragra chalcogramma) ..................... Pa takse — 0304 99 99 – – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................ Pa takse — 0305 Peshk, i thare, i kripur apo ne uje me kripe; peshk i tymosur, neseeshte gatuar apo jo me pare apo gjate procesit te tymosjes; miellra,kokriza dhe sfera te peshkut, te pers htatshme per konsum njerezor: 0305 10 00 – Miell, kokriza dhe sfera te peshkut, te pershtatshme per konsumnjerezor..................................................................................................... Pa takse — 0305 20 00 – Melcite dhe vezet, te thara, tetymosura, te kripura apo ne uje mekripe.......................................................................................................... Pa takse — 0305 30 – Fileto peshku, te thara, te kripura apo ne uje me kripe, por jo tetymosura:– – Te Merlucit (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) dhete peshkut te llojit Boreogadus saida: 0305 30 11 – – – Te merlucit te llojit Gadus macrocephalus ........................................ Pa takse — 0305 30 19 – – – Te tjera.............................................................................................. Pa takse — 0305 30 30 – – Te salmonit te Paqesorit (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchusgorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha,Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou dhe Oncorhynchusrhodurus), te salmonit te Atlantikut (Salmo salar) dhe te salmonit teDanubit (Hucho hucho) te kripura apo ne uje me kripe ............................. Pa takse — 0305 30 50 – – Te Rumbes se detit lesser apo Greenland (Reinhardtiushippoglossoides), te kripura apo ne uje me kripe ....................................... Pa takse — 0305 30 90 – – Te tjera................................................................................................. Pa takse —– Peshk i tymosur, perfshire filetot: 0305 41 00 – – Salmon i Paqesorit (Oncorhynchus nerka, Oncorhynchusgorbuscha, Oncorhynchus keta, Oncorhynchus tschawytscha,Oncorhynchus kisutch, Oncorhynchus masou dh e Oncorhynchusrhodurus), salmoni i Atlantikut ( Salmo salar) dhe salmoni i Danubit(Hucho hucho) ......................................................................................... Pa takse — 0305 42 00 – – Harrenga (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) ................................ Pa takse — 0305 49 – – Te tjera: 0305 49 10 – – – Te Rumbes se detit lesser apo Greenland (Reinhardtiushippoglossoides) ....................................................................................... Pa takse — 0305 49 20 – – – Te rumbes se Atlantikut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) .................... Pa takse — 0305 49 30 – – – Skumri ( Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomberjaponicus) ................................................................................................. Pa takse —

Kodi NK Pershkrimi Tarifa (%) Njesi 1 2 3 4 0304 29 45 – – – – Te tonit (te llojit Thunnus) dhe te peshkut te llojit Euthynnus ....... Pa takse —– – – – Te skumrit (Scomber scobrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomberjaponicus) dhe te peshkut te llojit Orcynopsis unicolor: 0304 29 51 – – – – – Te skumrit te llojit Scomber australasicus .................................. Pa takse — 0304 29 53 – – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................ Pa takse —– – – – Te hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.):– – – – – Te hake te llojit Merluccius: 0304 29 55 – – – – – – Te hake te ujrave te ceketa (Merluccius capensis dhe haketeujravete thella (Merluccius paradoxus) .................................................. Pa takse — 0304 29 56 – – – – – – Te hake te Argjentines (hake te atlatikut te jugut) (Merlucciushubbsi) ...................................................................................................... Pa takse — 0304 29 58 – – – – – – Te tjera ..................................................................................... Pa takse — 0304 29 59 – – – – – Te hake te llojit Urophycis .......................................................... Pa takse — – – – – Te peshkaqeneve : 0304 29 61 – – – – – Te peshkaqenit (Squalus acanthias dhe Scyliorhinus spp.) ........ Pa takse — 0304 29 65 – – – – – Peshkaqene Porbeagle (Lamna Nasus)... ..................................... Pa takse — 0304 29 68 – – – – – Te peshkaqeneve te tjere ............................................................. Pa takse — 0304 29 71 – – – – Te plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) .................................................. Pa takse — 0304 29 73 – – – – Te barbunit (Platichthys flesus) .................................................... Pa takse — 0304 29 75 – – – – Te harrengave (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) ........................ Pa takse — 0304 29 79 – – – – Te megrim (Lepidorhombus spp.) ................................................ Pa takse — 0304 29 83 – – – – Te peshkut majmun (Lophius spp) ................................................ Pa takse — 0304 29 85 – – – – Te Pollakut te Alaskes (Theragra chalcogramma) ........................ Pa takse — 0304 29 91 – – – – Te grenadierit blu (Macruronus novaezealandiae) ........................ Pa takse — 0304 29 99 – – – – Te tjera........................................................................................... Pa takse —– Te tjera: 0304 91 00 – – Te peshkut shpate (Xiphias gladius) ................................................ Pa takse — 0304 92 00 – – Te Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.) ...................................................... Pa takse — 0304 99 – – Te tjera: 0304 99 10 – – – Surimi ............................................................................................... Pa takse —– – – Te tjera: 0304 99 21 – – – – Te peshkut te ujrave te embla ........................................................ Pa takse —– – – – Te tjera: 0304 99 23 – – – – – Te harrengave (Clupea harengus, Clupea pallasii) ..................... Pa takse — 0304 99 29 – – – – – Te peshkut te kuq (Sebastes spp) ............................................... Pa takse — – – – – – Te Merlucit (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadusmacrocephalus) dhe te peshkut te llojit Boreogadus saida: 0304 99 31 – – – – – – Te merlucit te llojit Gadus macrocephalus ............................... Pa takse —

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