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Kodi NK Pershkrimi Tarifa (%) Njesi1 2 3 4– – – – – – Prej deleve apo dhive:– – – – – – – Te pagatuara; perzierje te mishit apo te brendshme mishi tegatuara dhe mishit apo te brendshme mishi te pagatuara:1602 90 72 – – – – – – – – Te deleve ............................................................................ 15 —1602 90 74 – – – – – – – – Te dhive.............................................................................. 15 —– – – – – – – Te tjera:1602 90 76 – – – – – – – – Te deleve ............................................................................ 15 —1602 90 78 – – – – – – – – Te dhive.............................................................................. 15 —1602 90 99 – – – – – – Te tjera ..................................................................................... 15 —1603 00 Ekstraktet dhe lengjet e mishit, pesh kut apo krustaceve, molusqeveapo kafsheve te tjera jovertebrore ujore:1603 00 10 – Ne paketime per shitje me pakice te nje permbajtjeje neto prej 1 kg apome pak........................................................................................................ Pa takse —1603 00 80 – Te tjera .................................................................................................... 10 —1604 Peshk i pergatitur apo i konservua r; havjar dhe zevendesuesit ehavjarit te pergatitur prej vezeve te peshkut:– Peshk, i teri ose ne copa, por jo i grire:1604 11 00 – – Salmon................................................................................................. Pa takse —1604 12 – – Harrenga:1604 12 10 – – – Fileto, te paperpunuara, thjesht te ves hura me gjalpe apothermijabuke, nese jane apo jo te paraskuqur ne vaj, ne ngrirje te thelle ................. Pa takse —– – – Te tjera:1604 12 91 – – – – Ne paketime hermetikisht te mbyllura ........................................... Pa takse —1604 12 99 – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................... Pa takse —1604 13 – – Sardele, sardenela dhe bristling apo sprat:– – – Sardelet:1604 13 11 – – – – Ne vaj ulliri .................................................................................... Pa takse —1604 13 19 – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................... Pa takse —1604 13 90 – – – Te tjera .............................................................................................. Pa takse —1604 14 – – Ton, skipjack dhe bonito (Sarda spp.):– – – Ton dhe skipjack:1604 14 11 – – – – Ne vaj vegjetal ............................................................................... Pa takse —– – – – Te tjera:1604 14 16 – – – – – Fileto te njohura si 'loin' .............................................................. Pa takse —1604 14 18 – – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................ Pa takse —1604 14 90 – – – Bonito (Sarda spp.) .......................................................................... Pa takse —1604 15 – – Skumri:– – – Te llojit Scomber Scombrus dhe Scomber japonicus:1604 15 11 – – – – Fileto Pa takse —

Kodi NK Pershkrimi Tarifa (%) Njesi1 2 3 41604 15 19 – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................... Pa takse —1604 15 90 – – – Te llojit Scomber australasicus ......................................................... Pa takse —1604 16 00 – – Açuget ................................................................................................. Pa takse —1604 19 – – Te tjera:1604 19 10 – – – Peshk i familjes salmonidae, ndryshe nga salmoni ........................... Pa takse —– – – Peshk i llojit Euthynnus, ndryshe nga skipjack(Euthynnus(Katsuwonus) pelais):1604 19 31 – – – – Fileto te njohura si 'loins'................................................................ Pa takse —1604 19 39 – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................... Pa takse —1604 19 50 – – – Peshk i llojit Orcynopsis unicolor ..................................................... Pa takse —– – – Te tjera:1604 19 91 – – – – Fileto, te paperpunuara, thjesht te veshura me gjalpe apothermijabuke, nese jane apo jo te paraskuqur ne vaj, ne ngrirje te thelle ................. Pa takse —– – – – Te tjera:1604 19 92 – – – – – Merluc (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) .... Pa takse —1604 19 93 – – – – – Peshk karboni (Pollachius virens) .............................................. Pa takse —1604 19 94 – – – – – Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) .................................... Pa takse —1604 19 95 – – – – – Merluci i Alaskes (Theragra chalcogramma) dhe merluci iverdhe (Pollachius pollachius) .................................................................. Pa takse —1604 19 98 – – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................ Pa takse —1604 20 – Peshk tjeter i pergatitur apo i konservuar:1604 20 05 – – Pergatitje e surimi ................................................................................ Pa takse —– – Te tjera:1604 20 10 – – – Te salmonit........................................................................................ Pa takse —1604 20 30 – – – Te peshkut te familjes salmonidae, ndryshe nga salmoni .................. Pa takse —1604 20 40 – – – Te acugeve ........................................................................................ Pa takse —1604 20 50 – – – Te sardeles, bonitos, skumrit te llojit Scomber scombrus dheScomber japonicus, te peshkut te llojit Orcynopsis unicolor ...................... Pa takse —1604 20 70 – – – Te tonit, te skipjack apo te peshqve te t jere te llojit Euthynnus ........ Pa takse —1604 20 90 – – – Te peshqve te tjere ............................................................................ Pa takse —1604 30 – Havjar dhe zevendesuesit e havjarit:1604 30 10 – – Havjar (veze sturgeon) ........................................................................ Pa takse —1604 30 90 – – Zevendesuesit e havjarit ....................................................................... Pa takse —1605 Krustacet, molusqet dhe kafshe te tjera jovertebrore ujore, tepergatitur apo te konservuar:1605 10 00 – Gafore .................................................................................................... Pa takse —1605 20 – Karkaleca deti:1605 20 10 – – Ne ambalazhe hermetikisht te mbyllura ............................................... Pa takse —– – Te tjera:

Kodi NK Pershkrimi Tarifa (%) Njesi1 2 3 41604 15 19 – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................... Pa takse —1604 15 90 – – – Te llojit Scomber australasicus ......................................................... Pa takse —1604 16 00 – – Açuget ................................................................................................. Pa takse —1604 19 – – Te tjera:1604 19 10 – – – Peshk i familjes salmonidae, ndryshe nga salmoni ........................... Pa takse —– – – Peshk i llojit Euthynnus, ndryshe nga skipjack(Euthynnus(Katsuwonus) pelais):1604 19 31 – – – – Fileto te njohura si 'loins'................................................................ Pa takse —1604 19 39 – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................... Pa takse —1604 19 50 – – – Peshk i llojit Orcynopsis unicolor ..................................................... Pa takse —– – – Te tjera:1604 19 91 – – – – Fileto, te paperpunuara, thjesht te veshura me gjalpe apothermijabuke, nese jane apo jo te paraskuqur ne vaj, ne ngrirje te thelle ................. Pa takse —– – – – Te tjera:1604 19 92 – – – – – Merluc (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) .... Pa takse —1604 19 93 – – – – – Peshk karboni (Pollachius virens) .............................................. Pa takse —1604 19 94 – – – – – Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.) .................................... Pa takse —1604 19 95 – – – – – Merluci i Alaskes (Theragra chalcogramma) dhe merluci iverdhe (Pollachius pollachius) .................................................................. Pa takse —1604 19 98 – – – – – Te tjera ........................................................................................ Pa takse —1604 20 – Peshk tjeter i pergatitur apo i konservuar:1604 20 05 – – Pergatitje e surimi ................................................................................ Pa takse —– – Te tjera:1604 20 10 – – – Te salmonit........................................................................................ Pa takse —1604 20 30 – – – Te peshkut te familjes salmonidae, ndryshe nga salmoni .................. Pa takse —1604 20 40 – – – Te acugeve ........................................................................................ Pa takse —1604 20 50 – – – Te sardeles, bonitos, skumrit te llojit Scomber scombrus dheScomber japonicus, te peshkut te llojit Orcynopsis unicolor ...................... Pa takse —1604 20 70 – – – Te tonit, te skipjack apo te peshqve te t jere te llojit Euthynnus ........ Pa takse —1604 20 90 – – – Te peshqve te tjere ............................................................................ Pa takse —1604 30 – Havjar dhe zevendesuesit e havjarit:1604 30 10 – – Havjar (veze sturgeon) ........................................................................ Pa takse —1604 30 90 – – Zevendesuesit e havjarit ....................................................................... Pa takse —1605 Krustacet, molusqet dhe kafshe te tjera jovertebrore ujore, tepergatitur apo te konservuar:1605 10 00 – Gafore .................................................................................................... Pa takse —1605 20 – Karkaleca deti:1605 20 10 – – Ne ambalazhe hermetikisht te mbyllura ............................................... Pa takse —– – Te tjera:

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