št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP

št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP

št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP


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390 S o c i a l n a p e d a g o g i k a , 2 0 0 8 v o l . 1 2 , š t . 4 , s t r. 3 8 9 - 4 0 4za obvladovanje stresa, za prizadevanja po popolnostiin za delovno uspešnost tako menedžerjev kot tudi vsehdelavcev. Zavedati se moramo, da so veščine in znanja,ki jih imajo zaposleni, nujen, ne pa zadosten dejavnikza motiviranost in temu posledično delovno uspešnostzaposlenih. Nujna so prepričanja v lastno učinkovitost,ki so temelj delovne motivacije.Ključne besede: delavci, samoučinkovitost, kognitivniprocesi, kompetence, spoprijemanje s stresom, poklicnirazvoj, pripravljenost za izobraževanje.AbstractThe unforgiving nature of the contemporary businessenvironment forces successful enterprises to constantlystrive towards the highest possible degree of businessexcellence. The latter tends to be associated withconstant evolving of the enterprise, which consequentlyrequires an effective managing of knowledge. In fact, thisis what makes the enterprise a learning organization.The intellectual capital of the organization as a keyfactor of its success is directly linked to people and theirknowledge, as well as to mechanisms of their functioningin the working place. Here, the most important factor isthe conviction of the individual of his or her own abilityto control personal actions and events in the immediateenvironment i.e. the self-efficacy beliefs. Namely, thehigher the individual’s self-efficacy the more successfulthe organization, on condition that it masters efficientpeople management and stimulation. A pro-activeusage of self-efficacy beliefs leads to the desired levelof dynamic development of individuals as well as theorganization as a whole. The concept of self-efficacy canbe successfully used for improving managers’ skills ingenerating ideas, for stress management, for endeavorstowards perfection and a higher working efficiency of

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