št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP

št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP

št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP


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326 S o c i a l n a p e d a g o g i k a , 2 0 0 8 v o l . 1 2 , š t . 4 , s t r. 3 2 5 - 3 4 4vključenosti, ter nujnost, da se k izvajanju strategijzavežejo vsi pomembni akterji.Ključne besede: mladi, lokalne mladinske politike,lokalne mladinske strategije, delo z mladimi.AbstractThe article brings a comparative analysis of localyouth strategies developed in five countries of WesternEurope where such strategies have a longer tradition.In particular, we analysed the organisation of youthwork at the local level and the role local youth officesplay. The research project included strategies fromthe following cities: Helsinki (Finland), Chemnitz(Germany), Dublin (Ireland), Brighton (Great Britain)and Linz (Austria), and some recommendations issuedby European institutions. Our analysis showed somedifferences, especially in the division of responsibilitiesbetween the national and local level of work,understanding of active participation, the notion ofyouth work, the relationship between public agenciesand non-government organisations and the target youthgroups the strategies concern. However, all strategiesunderline the importance of active participation foryoung people who can thus gain control over theirwork and take responsibility for it; the importanceof including those young people who have no publicvoice or whose voice is not heard; the importance ofproviding different purpose youth rooms and access toresources that can facilitate their social inclusion, andthe necessity to commit all important stakeholders to theimplementation of these strategies.Key words: youth, local youth policies, local youthstrategies, youth work.

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