št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP

št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP

št. 4 - Revija Socialna pedagogika - ZZSP


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346 S o c i a l n a p e d a g o g i k a , 2 0 0 8 v o l . 1 2 , š t . 4 , s t r. 3 4 5 - 3 6 0žrtev kaznivih dejanj, niti ne gre za odgovorno ravnanjes strani novinarjev. Če je Kodeks novinarske etike meriloza etično poročanje novinarjev v medijih, potem ga veljatudi upo<strong>št</strong>evati, pa vendar se dogaja, da slovenski časnikikršijo kodeks iz dneva v dan.Ključne besede: mediji, spolna zloraba, stigmatizacija,tržno novinarstvo, novinarska etika.AbstractThe media largely influence the way in which theirreaders or viewers perceive an event, or a criminalact, and the stance they take towards the victim andthe perpetrator of the crime. The Slovene press isincreasingly subordinated to the market reporting, whichassigns the highest value to exciting, sensationalisticand marketable news. Newspapers compete for readers,i.e. buyers, and in making profits. Reporting about verydelicate subjects, such as sexual abuses of children andyouth which frequently attract a special interest of thereaders, also belongs to this vicious circle. Analysesof several articles in Slovene newspapers show thatreports about criminal acts against sexual integrity ofchildren and youth are often sensationalistic, includingexcessively detailed descriptions of the events, andtherefore they stigmatise the abused. In certain caseswe could speak about »the repeated abuse«, about thereporting that disrespects the victim of the crime, whichpoints to an irresponsible work of reporters. If theReporters’ Ethical Code is supposed to be a guideline ofethical reporting in the media, than it should be applied–however, the Slovene media are breaking it daily.Key words: the media, sexual abuse, stigmatisation,market reporting, reporters’ ethics.

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