Pokaż cały numer - FPN - Farmaceutyczny Przegląd Naukowy

Pokaż cały numer - FPN - Farmaceutyczny Przegląd Naukowy Pokaż cały numer - FPN - Farmaceutyczny Przegląd Naukowy

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Farm Przegl Nauk, 2010, 7mal distribution or the U Mann‐Whitney test for unpairedvariables without normal distribution. The univariate Coxproportional hazard analysis defined MACE hazard ratiosin the 3-year follow-up. All variables found statistically significantin the univariate analysis (p

copyright © 2010 Grupa dr. A. R. Kwiecińskiego ISSN 1425-5073Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier survival estimate for HF patients.patients with CRP levels higher than 0.9 mg/dL were identifiedascandidates for earlier hospitalization than those withlower level of CRP. Higher levels of CRP were also relatedto higher rates of mortality [12]. Huang et al. examined 72patients with HF and found that CRP level higher than 5.38mg/L was an independent significant predictor of MACE(hazard ratio in Cox analysis HR=2.91; p

copyright © 2010 Grupa dr. A. R. Kwiecińskiego ISSN 1425-5073Fig. 2. Kaplan-Meier survival estimate for HF patients.patients with CRP levels higher than 0.9 mg/dL were identifiedascandidates for earlier hospitalization than those withlower level of CRP. Higher levels of CRP were also relatedto higher rates of mortality [12]. Huang et al. examined 72patients with HF and found that CRP level higher than 5.38mg/L was an independent significant predictor of MACE(hazard ratio in Cox analysis HR=2.91; p

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