rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov

rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov


more of fighting, revisionist, visionist, less adoptive, deductive and tries tomaintain purity.In reality, post colonial African states have largely remained revisionistand have had the inclination of being influenced by a certain ideological myth.African indigenous political ideology is, however, definable and one of itsproperties has been consolidation against colonial domination. A strongantipathy to colonialism, neocolonialism, and even their present facets isdiscernable through out the whole of African continent. In this sense, Africa islikely to be nationalistic, and this type of nationalism has been understood ascommon ideology allover the continent. This ideology, African nationalism,reflects the quest of creating an independent position of the continent ininternational system. Ideological terms like anti colonialism, dependencytheory, overcoming underdevelopment and the like too have been commonlanguages for Africa.OAU had functioned on the basis that all the member states respect eachother’s state sovereignty, and enter with this faith into the international politicalplatform individually as an active part of the Organization. The existence of theOrganization itself was considered as a guarantee for the success of a singleAfrican ideology which was labeled as Africanism, Pan-Africanism.13.3 Political DeterminantsIn post colonial SSA, there was an absence of strict criteria fordesignating long-term national interests. All effort was thus directed towardssecuring integrity and sovereignty of the newly emerged states in the face ofinternal and external threats.Hence, decisions which were related to foreign policy goals andinternational relations were considered as a mater of ad hoc business, which inturn evoked absence of political consistency and growing disagreements amongelites.Mono party system together with one man dominated political regimeran the whole state affairs with out opposition. This behavior was typical to thenew states of SSA, where the leaders had enormous influenced major activitiesincluding the essence of international politics and international relations.The study of political determinants of foreign policy is inseparablemainly from economic and cultural determinants of foreign policy. A decision,which is considered as pure political, could as well be an expression ofeconomics or culture in a certain condition.192

The decisions that the new states of SSA made to retain their relationwith former colonial powers might be conditional to the needs of these states orgoverning elites, who would like to secure the continuity of economic andcultural ties, and also like to ensure the political stability of their regimes.Other problem of the study of political determinants of foreign policy isthe uneasy task of identifying the distinction between foreign policy and thedomestic one. Since foreign policy could be also used as an instrument fordomestic politics, in the sense that it elevates the position and significance ofthe political activities of the regime, it can function as mechanism of internalintegration or solidarity with the state.Identifying concrete position of the SSA states towards foreign policy, insome cases, depend on the pressure that has been exerted on them from withinthe domestic environment rather than from outside or foreign environment. Forinstance, some African states enjoyed a radical position (Ghana, Guinea, Malietc.) in the 1960s, during the Congo crisis on the issue of Biafra. The positionthey took was not solely a reaction against foreign (Western) intervention, butalso it was an expression of resistance of nationalistic politicians (such asNkrumah, Toure, Keita, etc.), who officially conveyed the independence oftheir nation and state.Subsequent strong anti-American demonstrations that took place at thattime in various African cities were expressions of this ingredient of foreignpolicy strategy. They resulted with the politics of neutral position in thecountries which chose this position.The political aggression of the Rwandan regime, during the 1990s, inneighborhood Democratic Republic of Congo is for example, directed todiscrediting the politics of France in Central African region, and it has an aimof reinforcing the position of the new political representations.Personal relationships between politicians, too, play significant roles ininternational politics and international relations of SSA. For instance, inCentral and Eastern Africa a limited group of politicians have emerged, whohave cooperated on the basis of friendship. Leaders of Uganda, Rwanda, andDemocratic Republic of Congo were later on joined by Eritrea and Ethiopia inthis practice. They were referred to as the new breeds. Some of the relationshave been based on common struggle against common enemy. Furthermore,cooperation between accredited African diplomats in internationalorganizations such as United Nations plays an enormous role towards reflectingan individual behavior of SSA foreign policy.193

more of fighting, revisionist, visionist, less adoptive, deductive and tries tomaintain purity.In reality, post colonial African states have largely remained revisionistand have had the inclination of being influenced by a certain ideological myth.African indigenous political ideology is, however, definable and one of itsproperties has been consolidation against colonial domination. A strongantipathy to colonialism, neocolonialism, and even their present facets isdiscernable through out the whole of African continent. In this sense, Africa islikely to be nationalistic, and this type of nationalism has been understood ascommon ideology allover the continent. This ideology, African nationalism,reflects the quest of creating an independent position of the continent ininternational system. Ideological terms like anti colonialism, dependencytheory, overcoming underdevelopment and the like too have been commonlanguages for Africa.OAU had functioned on the basis that all the member states respect eachother’s state sovereignty, and enter with this faith into the international politicalplatform individually as an active part of the Organization. The existence of theOrganization itself was considered as a guarantee for the success of a singleAfrican ideology which was labeled as Africanism, Pan-Africanism.13.3 Political DeterminantsIn post colonial SSA, there was an absence of strict criteria fordesignating long-term national interests. All effort was thus directed towardssecuring integrity and sovereignty of the newly emerged states in the face ofinternal and external threats.Hence, decisions which were related to foreign policy goals andinternational relations were considered as a mater of ad hoc business, which inturn evoked absence of political consistency and growing disagreements amongelites.Mono party system together with one man dominated political regimeran the whole state affairs with out opposition. This behavior was typical to thenew states of SSA, where the leaders had enormous influenced major activitiesincluding the essence of international politics and international relations.The study of political determinants of foreign policy is inseparablemainly from economic and cultural determinants of foreign policy. A decision,which is considered as pure political, could as well be an expression ofeconomics or culture in a certain condition.192

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