rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov

rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov


Basically, there is no one and single correct perception about nationalinterest. For some African states foreign policy was and is realized to securetheir state sovereignty and national identity, which they think is their topsecurity agenda, in the face of threat from their neighbors on the issues ofborder. This perception usually runs to conflict (for example: Ethiopia versusEritrea on the question of Badme; Ethiopia versus Somalia on Ogaden; Togoversus Ghana; Kena versus Somalia; Tanzania versus Uganda; Angola versusformer Zair; Angola versus Congo, etc.)For some, national interest is associated with political differencesbetween heads of states. For example, President Felix Bojgny versus SekouToure both being colonized but the prior is conservative in manner while thelatter is radical. Bojgny relies on the relation with previous colonizer, France asa path to prosperity where as Sekou Toure had totally different visions aboutthe path to state prosperity and degree of cooperation with France.Yoweri Museveni for instance has a different vision about multipartysystem; he is rather reserved in practice referring to its harmfulness toUganda’s national interest, similar to Meles Zenawi of Ethiopoia.Frederick Chiluba of Zambia prohibited Kenneth Kaunda to notparticipate in the run of presidential election on behalf of the country’s nationalinterest.Decision making usually remains personal business of one or fewpersons; it usually does not include complex communication within decisivepolitical élites. This affects the existence of functioning principle of nationalinterest.Ideology is basically, a reaction to reality. Some aspects of ideology thatare connected with foreign policy making and international relations of SSAinclude:1) It was used to interpret internal events - as of the 1960s, for instance, theBiafra situation in Congo envisioned pro radical political struggle ofAfrican nationalism against the domination of colonial powers towardsself-determination.Tanzania, for example, supported the separatists of Biafra and alsorefused to recognize the government of Idi Amin in Uganda against thenorms of the contemporary Organization of African Unity (OAU), whichspoke of respecting boundaries that colonizers delineated, and insisted onnoninterference into other member state’s internal affairs.190

Mozambique and Ethiopia were supporting ZANU with RobertMugabe’s leadership and not ZAPU with Joshua Nkomo’s leadershipduring Zimbabwe’s struggle for independence. Zambia supported ZAPUat that time.2) It was also used as important instrument to identify a friend from anenemy:For example: Kwame Nkrumah a fried to Africa where as FelixBoigny is not; he is a puppet of the colonizers, such as France in the caseof Ivory Coast. It is used to define the animosity between differentmovements in the same or different countries. For instance, in AngolaMPLA versus UNITA; or in Angola and Congo between MPLA andMobutu S. Seko; Yoweri Museveni versus Daniel Arapmoj and the like.3) It was used to limit the political decision making of others - the cause ofthe demise of colonialism is not only the resistance of Africans, but themetropolitans themselves were pretty convinced about its failingperspectives.4) It was used to get correct political decisions - for example, Guinea in1958 chose independence as first former France colony who decided tointegrate with Ghana; or the attempt of creating the foundation for theOAU that had to emerge in the future.On the other hand a foreign policy which is mainly based on nationalinterest advocates about achieving its goals within the state system, throughaccepting the existing environment and by adapting to it. This, national interestbased, approach of shaping foreign policy is different from the ideology basedone. The latter approach insists on evolving completely new environment offoreign policy and international relations, denying that the de jure (currentlyestablished) environment is inefficient to maintain peace, security and mutualsatisfaction. The prior leans towards maintaining the de jure environment. Thelatter thus embraces elements of radical changes as compared to the prior onewhich inclines towards the conservative school.Post colonial development of international politics and internationalrelations of SSA could be explained thus based on these two aforementionedaspects, these are: National interest, and ideology. These aspects show twodifferent approaches, which are, however, intertwined. National interest isrealistic, constructive, adaptive and inductive, where as ideology is idealistic,191

Basically, there is no one and single correct perception about nationalinterest. For some African states foreign policy was and is realized to securetheir state sovereignty and national identity, which they think is their topsecurity agenda, in the face of threat from their neighbors on the issues ofborder. This perception usually runs to conflict (for example: Ethiopia versusEritrea on the question of Badme; Ethiopia versus Somalia on Ogaden; Togoversus Ghana; Kena versus Somalia; Tanzania versus Uganda; Angola versusformer Zair; Angola versus Congo, etc.)For some, national interest is associated with political differencesbetween heads of states. For example, President Felix Bojgny versus SekouToure both being colonized but the prior is conservative in manner while thelatter is radical. Bojgny relies on the relation with previous colonizer, France asa path to prosperity where as Sekou Toure had totally different visions aboutthe path to state prosperity and degree of cooperation with France.Yoweri Museveni for instance has a different vision about multipartysystem; he is rather reserved in practice referring to its harmfulness toUganda’s national interest, similar to Meles Zenawi of Ethiopoia.Frederick Chiluba of Zambia prohibited Kenneth Kaunda to notparticipate in the run of presidential election on behalf of the country’s nationalinterest.Decision making usually remains personal business of one or fewpersons; it usually does not include complex communication within decisivepolitical élites. This affects the existence of functioning principle of nationalinterest.Ideology is basically, a reaction to reality. Some aspects of ideology thatare connected with foreign policy making and international relations of SSAinclude:1) It was used to interpret internal events - as of the 1960s, for instance, theBiafra situation in Congo envisioned pro radical political struggle ofAfrican nationalism against the domination of colonial powers towardsself-determination.Tanzania, for example, supported the separatists of Biafra and alsorefused to recognize the government of Idi Amin in Uganda against thenorms of the contemporary Organization of African Unity (OAU), whichspoke of respecting boundaries that colonizers delineated, and insisted onnoninterference into other member state’s internal affairs.190

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