rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov

rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov


powers like France, who have had regional monopoly Seeking anti-terrorismalliance may be one reason for the interest; recourses and market may be theother. The Dynamics of US-Africa Relations is understood in Terms of:1) US’s reluctance in the face of African nationalists who are not allowedthe full control of their natural resources2) US’s failure to create friendly nationalist leaders capable to generate ‘athird way’ between Communism and Rightist dictators3) US’s policies, which have polarized internal political situation of thecountries of the continent4) US’s decision to isolate and label as an enemy, at any cost, all politicalsubjects whose ideology leans towards socialism - against selfdetermination(if you are not with us you’re against us)In spite of anti-colonial tradition of American politics (they know whatto be a colony) to the contrary in Africa they applied principles similar to thatof colonial period.This means, USA has behaved as a power, cultivating status quo, eventhough colonialism was loosing its ground in the post colonial world. US’swish to establish liberal anticommunist regimes, in reality enhanced to thecontrary, the germination of numerous anti liberal and autocratic regimes andpolitics of dictatorial tendencies.The USA politics have thus evoked not only resistance of Africannationalists against USA, but also hatred from the European side, which sawAmerica’s de facto, anti decolonization pressure as the reason for Africanradicalism, and as the cause for Soviet’s penetration into its (Europe’s)commercial and economic sphere.The US’s policies in SSA were thus counter productive; they increasedradicalism of part of the elite and town ship, hence created enormous pressurefor change and revolution, causing something like soviet regime in Africa (forinstance, Ethiopia 1974).The position of the former Soviet Union was so simple. Its real or hiddenface (mission), as world power, which opposed capitalists’ greed, had providedattraction and a certain maneuvering room, particularly at the beginning.It had to support its ideological pressure with material aid, as in (forinstance, Guinea, Ethiopia). However, this doesn’t mean all African radicalregimes are subordinate to Kremlin. The Former SU in Africa in 80s was not186

etter than the US. It cooperated with the most brutal dictators of Africa, in theHorn.The SU approached Africa as a supporter for the unfinished struggle inAfrica for freedom, where as the US foreign policy approached Africa to helpcontaining the spread of Communism, the evil, to Africa.Two other International powers which influenced Africa’s history ofconflict were NATO and PRC. NATO’s intervening role in SSA ended as itsmember Portugal pulled out from Southern Africa (Angola, Mozambique).NATO was under severe critics of SSA states because of its political andmilitary support to Portugal in attempt to perpetuate colonialism and whitesupremacy. NATO member countries politically use double standard andlargely follow a one-sided policy that maintains solely their economic interestin the continent.For instance, Great Britain in 1960s together with its allies destabilizedthe government of Patrick Lumumba supporting the separatists front Katanga,ten years later again Great Britain stood on the side of Nigerian federal militarygovernment against Biafra.Another example of this is that the US and France were supporting theracist regime of today’s RSA. But later on, as an apparent policy change inview of South African regime, the US congress enacted severe economicsanction that led to the down fall of Apartheid and caused regime change (onlywhen the black fighting was at irreversible point).Communist China (PRC) has had an enormous political and diplomaticambition in SSA The 1 st contact between PRC and SSA was made possible atBandung Conference (1955). Chinese delegates officially started visitingAfrica since the end of 50s. The 1 st Chinese Embassy was opened in Khartoumin 1958, Conakry in 1959, Accra in 1960, and Mogadishu 1961.Since 1960s China accepted numerous African students into itsuniversities and technical high schools. China accused the SU of revisionismand opposed the expansion of the SU to many African nations (Angola,Mozambique, Namibia, and Ethiopia). Significant visit was that of PrimeMinister Zhou Enlai. He visited many African countries in 1964, condemningthe SU for revisionism. China was successful in Africa for establishing politicalsupport in Tanzania, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.Current Sino-African relations have a different dimension - trade. ForPRC and Tchaj-wan the voice of African stated in the UN appears to be187

powers like France, who have had regional monopoly Seeking anti-terrorismalliance may be one reason for the interest; recourses and market may be theother. The Dynamics of US-Africa Relations is understood in Terms of:1) US’s reluctance in the face of African nationalists who are not allowedthe full control of their natural resources2) US’s failure to create friendly nationalist leaders capable to generate ‘athird way’ between Communism and Rightist dictators3) US’s policies, which have polarized internal political situation of thecountries of the continent4) US’s decision to isolate and label as an enemy, at any cost, all politicalsubjects whose ideology leans towards socialism - against selfdetermination(if you are not with us you’re against us)In spite of anti-colonial tradition of American politics (they know whatto be a colony) to the contrary in Africa they applied principles similar to thatof colonial period.This means, USA has behaved as a power, cultivating status quo, eventhough colonialism was loosing its ground in the post colonial world. US’swish to establish liberal anticommunist regimes, in reality enhanced to thecontrary, the germination of numerous anti liberal and autocratic regimes andpolitics of dictatorial tendencies.The USA politics have thus evoked not only resistance of Africannationalists against USA, but also hatred from the European side, which sawAmerica’s de facto, anti decolonization pressure as the reason for Africanradicalism, and as the cause for Soviet’s penetration into its (Europe’s)commercial and economic sphere.The US’s policies in SSA were thus counter productive; they increasedradicalism of part of the elite and town ship, hence created enormous pressurefor change and revolution, causing something like soviet regime in Africa (forinstance, Ethiopia 1974).The position of the former Soviet Union was so simple. Its real or hiddenface (mission), as world power, which opposed capitalists’ greed, had providedattraction and a certain maneuvering room, particularly at the beginning.It had to support its ideological pressure with material aid, as in (forinstance, Guinea, Ethiopia). However, this doesn’t mean all African radicalregimes are subordinate to Kremlin. The Former SU in Africa in 80s was not186

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