rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov

rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov

rozvojová pomoc a spolupráca - Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov

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d) racial conflict between white and black, domestic population andAsian, b/n Arab origin and the negroids, etc.2) Conflicts between African states:a) ideological rivalry: for example: Sudan vs. Ethiopiab) territorial rivalry: for example: Nigeria vs. Cameroon, Ethiopia vs.Somaliac) personal: for example Yoweri Museveni vs Robert Mugabe3) Conflicts between African states and external powers:Despite the end of colonialism, conflicts between superpowers andAfrican states still perpetuateThe idea of new type of colonialism where political and economic actorsof the North exert implicit power to govern South through apparatus of theSouth itself (this approach of creating vassal states applies even to mostsmaller states other than the South ones). This behavior of the North istriggering refusal of this type of pattern of domination.4) Conflicts of superpower interest in Africa by proxy refer, mainly topowers that had largely influenced the socio-political and economical system ofAfrica during the bipolar international political system such as USA, UK,Russia, and France.China and other less strong European powers as well were related withthe conflict directly or indirectly through multinational finance, commercialand industrial organizations.The Bipolar world system, however, proved importance of Africanforeign policy in international relations, in the sense that it resisted bothsuperpowers which used the continent as their sphere of interestThe end of CW has influenced Africa in 2 ways:a) politics has become ideologically similar and less significant acrosscountries of SSAb) the change has not reduced the radicalism of African politicsBefore the CW had gone, African states played in the internationalrelations environment as Nonaligned Movement or a ‘3 rd power’, withenormous endeavor for international peace, stability, and fair distribution of184

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