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PIEGHEVOLI DEFINITIVI INGLESE 4 ant MODIF_Layout 1 25/10/10 19.29 Pagina 8Discoveringoases ofgreeneryand historyVilla BorgheseNot to be missed is a walk in VillaTorlonia, about two kilometres fromPorta Pia. Bought in 1797 by GiovanniTorlonia and subsequently transformedinto a monumental complex (restorationbeing entrusted to the architectValadier), it came into the news and intohistory as “Mussolini’s house”. Inside theVilla, you can admire the lemon-houseand the Liberty architecture of theCasina delle Civette (the Owl house).Places not tobe missed,betweenculture andenjoymentVilla CelimontanaReturning towards the centre, it is worthwhilehaving a stroll in the greenery ofVilla Celimontana, the Renaissancestructure inside the Celio Park. This isan oasis between the Colosseum andthe Terme di Caracalla, the rendezvousfor all jazz fans for the internationalmusic festivals organized there everyyear. The Villa houses the ItalianGeographic Society, where some of themost important maps of Italy are kept.Here is the Pincio, just above Piazza delPopolo, where at one time, when it wasa time for celebrations, the woodenand papier maché firework “machines”,constructed by famous architects, wereset on fire. From here extends VillaBorghese, 85 hectares of greenerywhich until the end of the 19th century,belonged to the private villa of theBorghese princely family.[In the vicinity of Villa Borghese themost fastidious tastes can be indulged:art lovers can delight in the splendid collectionsin the Galleria Borghese or strollamong the esoteric animals of theBiopark. Among the <strong>Roma</strong>n pines of theVilla is the Casa del Cinema where filmsare screened, or lessons given of editing,cutting and production, and meetings…just right also for a mere pause at theopen-air tables of the Cinecaffè.And don’t miss, to end up with, theElizabethan Globe Theatre, which reproducesthe characteristic big wooden “O”of the original.The Villas ofRome, atimelessfascinationCasina Valadier[Near the Casina is the Technotownwhere children are entertained by artificialvolcanic lava flows, a news programmewhich explains how the news systemworks, and virtual journeys to ancient Rome.The richest park in Rome from the standpointof the fauna and the environmentis, instead, Villa Ada: cypresses,pines and dwarf palm trees, but also aroller-skating track and facilities for joggingand physical exercises make it oneof the most loved and visited parks of<strong>Roma</strong>ns.Casa del CinemaVilla BorgheseBy bike oron foot, toexperience“another”RomeVilla PamphiliTruly a boundless park, a bit furtheraway from the centre, is Villa Pamphili:the area embraces more than onedistrict with its nine-km long perimeter.Here, from one of the panoramic terraces,you can admire the Casino del BelRespiro, better known as Villa Algardi.[In the summer or the spring thereis the chance to discover the green beltof the city by bicycle: an enjoyable touryou can have on your own or by turningto the associations that organize excursionsand circuits.

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