Gwersyll yr Urdd Llangrannog Gwyliau teulu / Family holiday 2011

Gwersyll yr Urdd Llangrannog Gwyliau teulu / Family holiday 2011

Gwersyll yr Urdd Llangrannog Gwyliau teulu / Family holiday 2011

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urdd.org/llangrannogurdd.org/llangrannogurdd.org/llangrannogFfurflen Archebu <strong>Gwyliau</strong> Teulu Calan / Booking Form New Years <strong>Family</strong> HolidayNosweithiau / Nights 2 4Oedolion / Adults £107 £1738 + £87 £1504 – 7 £62 £992 – 3 £38 £58Enw / Name:Dyddiadau / Dates:*** Gostyngiad os yn bwcio fwy nag un gwyliau / Discount when booking more than one <strong>holiday</strong>:10% am unrhyw 2ail gwyliau, 20% bant o unrhyw 3ydd gwyliau / 20% off any 2nd <strong>holiday</strong>, 30% off any 3rd <strong>holiday</strong><strong>Gwyliau</strong> Calan / New Year HolidayPenwythnos Pasg / Easter WeekendPenwythnos Awst / August WeekendWythnos i ddysgw<strong>yr</strong> a’u <strong>teulu</strong>oedd /Week for learners and their familiesOedolion / Adults: G / M B / F Plant / Children: (8+) (4-7) (2-3) (-2)Cyfeiriad / Address:Penwythnos Pasg / Easter WeekendEbrill / April 22–24Penwythnos Gŵyl y Banc / Bank Holiday AugustAwst / August 26–28Penwythnos i’w fwynhau!Mae popeth yn gynwysedig yn y pris! Mae’nbenwythnos llawn hwyl lle cewch ymlacio, bod ynanturus, gweld, clywed a phrofi pethau gwahanol,neu gael amser tawel i ymlacioi!Cymrwch gip olwg ar lein i weld rhaglenbosib – urdd.org/llangrannogA weekend away!Everything is included in the price! It’s a fun weekend,where you can relax, get active, see, hear andexperience new things, or just relax!Have a look on line to see an example programmefor the course – urdd.org/llangrannogWythnos i ddysgw<strong>yr</strong> a’u <strong>teulu</strong>oedd /Week for learners and their familiesAwst / August 22–26Mae’r cwrs yma yn agored i ddysgw<strong>yr</strong> o bob lefel.Caiff oedolion hyd at ddwy wers y dydd gydadigonedd o gyfleoedd i ymarfer mewn sesiynaufel Tai Chi, Ti a Fi, gemau anffurfiol a mwy.Yn ystod gwersi caiff plant o bob oedran fwynhau’rgweithgareddau neu fynd i’r feithrinfa, danoruchwyliaeth staff cymwysedig.Mae’n wythnos wych, lle gall <strong>teulu</strong>oedd ymlacioac ymarfer siarad gyda dysgw<strong>yr</strong> eraill o bob cwro Gymru a’r byd!This course is open to learners of every level.Adults will receive up to two lessons a day withample opportunity to practise during sessionssuch as Tai Chi, parent and toddler groups,informal games and more.During lessons children of all ages can enjoy theactivities or attend the nursery under the supervisionof qualified staff.It’s a fantastic week, where families can relaxand practise their Welsh with other learnersfrom around Wales and the world.<strong>Gwyliau</strong> Dathlu Calan / New Year’s HolidayRhagf<strong>yr</strong> / December 30 – 1 Ionawr / JanuaryEdrych am rhywbeth ychydig yn wahanol i’wwneud dros y flwyddyn newydd – rhywbeth y gallpawb ei fwynhau? <strong>Gwyliau</strong> Calan <strong>Gwersyll</strong> <strong>yr</strong> <strong>Urdd</strong><strong>Llangrannog</strong> yw’r lle i fod!Mae popeth mae <strong>teulu</strong> ei angen yma wedi’r Nadolig!Gwerth da am arian, adloniant i blant ac oedolionmewn aw<strong>yr</strong>gylch hamddenol a chartrefol. Bydd bwffeNos Calan gyda disgo i blant ac amrywo weithgareddau ddydd a nos!Cymrwch gip olwg ar lein i weld rhaglen bosibar gyfer y cwrs – urdd.org/llangrannogC<strong>yr</strong>siau eraill yn y <strong>Gwersyll</strong> / Other courses...Looking for something a little different to do overthe New Year? Something that will keep everyonehappy? Come to <strong>Llangrannog</strong> <strong>Urdd</strong> Centre fora New Year’s Holiday!It’s everything a family could ask for after Christmas –good value for money, entertainment for both childrenand adults, and a relaxed unique atmosphere!A New Year’s Eve buffet is provided with a disco forthe children, and various day and evening activities.Have a look on line to see an example programmefor the course – urdd.org/llangrannogCôd post / Postcode:Ebost / Email:Sut wnaethoch glywed am y <strong>Gwyliau</strong>:Gair ar led/ Word of mouth Eisteddfod Radio Hysbyseb / Advert Facebook / TwitterArall / Other:Gofynnwn am flaendal o / We ask for a deposit of £100Caniateir ad-daliad o’r ernes (llai £20) os tynnir cais yn ol mis cyn y cwrs. Ni fydd ad-adliad o’r ernes ar ol dyddiad hwn / A refund of the deposit (less £20)will be given if cancellation of the booking is made one month prior to course. No refund of the deposit will be made after this date.Gall taliadau cael eu gwneud trwy siec neu dros y ffôn gyda cherdyn credit / Payments can be made by cheque or over the phone by credit card.Sieciau yn daladwy i / Cheques payable to <strong>Urdd</strong> Gobaith Cymru.Ychwnegwch y swm o / Please charge my card Visa / Mastercard £Rhif / NoDyddiad terfyn / Expiry date: / Rhif Diogelwch / Security NoEnw Llawn / Cardholder’s name:Arwyddwyd / Signed:Cyfeiriad (Os yn wahanol I’r Uchod) / Address (if different from above):Cod Post / Post Code:I blant...<strong>Gwersyll</strong> Haf a HydrefCwrs Rygbi’r <strong>Urdd</strong> a’r ScarletsFor children...Summer and Autumn Course<strong>Urdd</strong> and Scarlets Rugby CourseDychwelwch i / Return to:Cwmnïau...C<strong>yr</strong>siau Corfforaethol /Strategaethol ac Adeiladu TîmCompanies...Corporate Courses /Strategically and Team Building<strong>Gwersyll</strong> <strong>yr</strong> <strong>Urdd</strong><strong>Llangrannog</strong>, LlandysulCeredigion, CymruSA44 6AE01239 652140llangrannog@urdd.orgurdd.org/llangrannog

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