Kushtet e Jetesës dhe Pabarazia në Shqipëri - INSTAT

Kushtet e Jetesës dhe Pabarazia në Shqipëri - INSTAT Kushtet e Jetesës dhe Pabarazia në Shqipëri - INSTAT

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Keefe et al. 1971. Area Handbook for Albania,US Government Printing Office,washington DC.Këllëzi, A. 1973, “Raport mbi planin dhebuxhetin e shtetit për vitin 1973”, Problemeekonomike, nr. 1, Tira.Lewis, M. 2000. “who is paying for health carein Eastern Europe and central Asia. HumanDevelopment Sector Unit, Europe and CentralAsia Region, Washington DC: World Bank.Marmullaku, R. 1975. Albania and the Albanians,C. Hurst & Co, London.SH. B. “8 Nëntori”, 1982. Portrait of Albania, 8Nëntori, Tirana.Reynolds, D. 2003. Albania: the developmentof public health insurance 1995-2000. London:Institute for Health Sector Reform.Schnytzer, A. 1982. Stalinist economic strategyin practice: the case of Albania, OxfordUniversity Press, London.Sjoberg, O., Wyzan, M. 1991. Economic changein the Balkan states: Albania, Bulgaria, Romania,and Yugoslavia, Pinter, London.Skendi, S. 1956. Albania, Stevens and Sons,London.World Bank and INSTAT, 2003. “Poverty DuringGrowth”, WB Group, Washington DC.World Bank 1997. “Albania: Growing out ofPoverty”. Washington DC: World Bank.World Health Organization, 2003. Health forAll Database. Geneva: WHO Regional Officefor Europe.48 REGJISTRIMI I POPULLSISË DHE I BANESAVE 2001

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Keefe et al. 1971. Area Handbook for Albania,US Government Printing Office,washington DC.Këllëzi, A. 1973, “Raport mbi planin <strong>dhe</strong>buxhetin e shtetit për vitin 1973”, Problemeekonomike, nr. 1, Tira<strong>në</strong>.Lewis, M. 2000. “who is paying for health carein Eastern Europe and central Asia. HumanDevelopment Sector Unit, Europe and CentralAsia Region, Washington DC: World Bank.Marmullaku, R. 1975. Albania and the Albanians,C. Hurst & Co, London.SH. B. “8 Nëntori”, 1982. Portrait of Albania, 8Nëntori, Tirana.Reynolds, D. 2003. Albania: the developmentof public health insurance 1995-2000. London:Institute for Health Sector Reform.Schnytzer, A. 1982. Stalinist economic strategyin practice: the case of Albania, OxfordUniversity Press, London.Sjoberg, O., Wyzan, M. 1991. Economic changein the Balkan states: Albania, Bulgaria, Romania,and Yugoslavia, Pinter, London.Skendi, S. 1956. Albania, Stevens and Sons,London.World Bank and <strong>INSTAT</strong>, 2003. “Poverty DuringGrowth”, WB Group, Washington DC.World Bank 1997. “Albania: Growing out ofPoverty”. Washington DC: World Bank.World Health Organization, 2003. Health forAll Database. Geneva: WHO Regional Officefor Europe.48 REGJISTRIMI I POPULLSISË DHE I BANESAVE 2001

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