Misli maj junij 2013 - Glas Slovenije

Misli maj junij 2013 - Glas Slovenije

Misli maj junij 2013 - Glas Slovenije

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soboto, 15. <strong>junij</strong>a, od 12.30 dalje in skupno večerjo,namesto običajnega nedeljskega tekmovanja, kerbomo imeli naslednji dan, 16. <strong>junij</strong>a, proslavo dnevaslovenske državnosti, ko bomo poleg proslave tudipodelili priznanja najzaslužnejšim prostovoljnimdelavcem v slovenski skupnosti v NSW in ACT.Dobro urejena balinišča, prijetno in prijazno okoljeso pritegnila v klub Triglav tudi skupino balinarjev“Special Olympics”, ljudi, ki so umsko prizadeti. Vsaktretji petek v mesecu zvečer pridejo v klub družine,ki i<strong>maj</strong>o umsko prizadete otroke - i<strong>maj</strong>o najprejskupno večerjo in potem dve uri navdušenegabalinanja.Od predsednika organizacije “Special OlympicsNSW”, g. Michaela Frosta, katerega sin Josh je tudiv skupini, smo prejeli sledeče:Special Olympics NSW Sydney West RegionSpecial Olympics is a worldwide organisation thatprovides sporting opportunities for people with anintellectual disability. The Sydney West Regionextends from Parramatta to Penrith and WetherillPark to The Hills District. The Sydney WestRegion commenced playing Bocce at Club Italia atLansvale approx. 6 years ago, joining with anotherSpecial Olympics group. We were offered the useof the courts at Triglav St Johns Park 2 years agoand we now play bocce there on the third Friday ofthe month. Athletes in the photos are Joshua Frost,Scott Duncan, Ji Butler, Kevin Greig and SarahMolesworth.Our athletes also play Ten Pin Bowling, Athletics,Tennis and Swimming.The athletes love to play Bocce at the Triglav Clubas there are real Bocce courts to play on. The clubis very friendly and the parents and athletes make ita social outing, having dinner at the club before weplay Bocce.Martha and Lou are very supportive of us attendingthe club and Lou prepares the courts to ourspecifications each month. We look forward to theClub’s continued support of our Bocce program. Weencourage any person with an intellectual disabilityto contact us and come and play Bocce.My home number is 02 9636 6058.Michael FrostChairperson, Special Olympics NSWAthletesfrom Special Olympics Sydney West RegionBALINARJI TRIGLAVATriglavski balinarji i<strong>maj</strong>o letos odlično sezono. Balinišča so polna vsako sredo popoldne invsako nedeljo in še vedno prihajajo novi ljudje, ki se želijo priključiti naši balinarski skupini.misli | <strong>maj</strong> - <strong>junij</strong> <strong>2013</strong>39

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