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DEPUTY SPEAKER: Don’t...HON. GEORGE F. MLAWA: A short quotation, I quote: “I never resist temptation because Ihave found that things that are bad for me do not tempt me.” Therefore for me, I am strongly tempted tothe candidature of being elected to this Pan-African Parliament.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable George Mlawa, you have exceeded the three minutes, I gaveyou more two, I ask you kindly to ...HON. GEORGE F. MLAWA: I am very sorry, I am very sorry, but I humbly request youHonourable Members of Parliament to vote for me and have faith in me. Thank you.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Okay. Honourable Mlawa, you can take your seat.Honourable Kilontsi Mporogomyi, you are now given three minutes to make your speech and askfor votes. And they may ask you three questions if they have any. Please go ahead.HON. KILONTSI M. M. MPOROGOMYI: Thank you Honourable Deputy Speaker, the rightHonourable Prime Minister, Honourable Ministers, my Comrades Honourable Members of Parliament, Iam standing before you to humbly ask for your votes, so that I may become a Member of the Pan-AfricanParliament.I am certain that in terms of my own capabilities, many of you have read my brochures. I am aneconomist having trained in different fields in economics as well as in International Marketing. I possessqualities that have enabled me to work for the International Organisations such as the United NationsDevelopment Program and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and I have served indifferent capacities as a consultant on various issues including those that related to nonperforming assets as well as International Trading in Commodities which is related to the AgriculturalSector.I have a kin interest to become a Member of the Pan African Parliament because one of the thingsthat you have done is in such to prepare me to acquire some capacity building in which I have been able tounderstand the relationship between Europe and Africa. That, Europe is in fact the natural partner ofAfrica and the natural partner of Africa what they do in Europe has fundamental relations to Africandevelopment and therefore in terms of the negotiations that go on between Africa and Europe I believe thatI could be in a position to service and be able to be a good representative in the Pan African Parliament. Ihumbly ask for your vote. Thank you.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions to him?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any question? Ooh, yes.

HON. ANATORY K. CHOYA: Thank you very much Mr. Deputy Speaker Sir, I have only onequestion and my question will be asked as follows; as a representative of Tanzania Parliament as ACP/EU,how will you relate this role to the working of the Pan African Parliament?HON. KILONTSI M. M. MPOROGOMYI: Honourable Deputy Speaker and HonourableMembers of Parliament, may I thank the Honourable Member of Parliament for a very nice question that hehas ask to me.One of the issues that is dealt in the ACP/EU join Parliamentary Assembly is in fact to discussmajor issues related to the ACP development which comes from the Council of Ministers for whichTanzania has a Minister that always attend the Council of Ministers in Brussels. It is that Council, whichmandates the joint Parliamentary Assembly to discuss major issues, related to Economic PartnershipAgreements. And in those Economic Partnership Agreements, many of those are related to whatAfrica is currently doing.There are different configurations that have been undertaken in terms of the configurations thatEurope wants us to enter into the negotiations with Africa, Caribbean and Pacific. And one such a thing isthat, we must be able to negotiate with them in terms of the Economic Integration Organisations that existin Africa.That is the major configuration that is being undertaken and I believe I will be able to acquiremajor experiences in that area and I think I have been prepared. But the other things, which are important,are question related to reciprocity and ...May I thank you for your understanding of the major issues that are involved in my representationin the ACP/EU so that I could actually become a link representing Tanzania to the African Union. Thankyou very much.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any other question?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any other question?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Kilontsi Mporogomyi, you can now take your seat in thehouse.HON. KILONTSI M. M. MPOROGOMYI: May I humbly ask for your votes Comrades’Members of Parliaments and the Deputy Speaker. Thank you very much.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Dr. William Shija, you are now given three minutes to makeyour speech and ask for votes and you may be asked three questions if they have any. Please go ahead.HON. DR. WILLIAM F. SHIJA: Thank you very much Honourable Deputy Speaker.Honourable Deputy Speaker, the right Honourable Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, HonourableMembers of Parliament, friends and colleagues, Assalaam Aleykum?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: Waaleykum Salaam.HON. DR. WILLIAM F. SHIJA: It’s true that I am appearing before you, before this House thismorning in order to request you to trust me with your votes, so that I could represent this House at the PanAfrican Parliament, which is due to start next month about March 19 th .

DEPUTY SPEAKER: Don’t...HON. GEORGE F. MLAWA: A short quotation, I quote: “I never resist temptation because Ihave found that things that are bad for me do not tempt me.” Therefore for me, I am strongly tempted tothe candidature of being elected to this Pan-African Parliament.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable George Mlawa, you have exceeded the three minutes, I gaveyou more two, I ask you kindly to ...HON. GEORGE F. MLAWA: I am very sorry, I am very sorry, but I humbly request youHonourable Members of Parliament to vote for me and have faith in me. Thank you.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Okay. Honourable Mlawa, you can take your seat.Honourable Kilontsi Mporo<strong>go</strong>myi, you are now given three minutes to make your speech and askfor votes. And they may ask you three questions if they have any. Please <strong>go</strong> ahead.HON. KILONTSI M. M. MPOROGOMYI: Thank you Honourable Deputy Speaker, the rightHonourable Prime Minister, Honourable Ministers, my Comrades Honourable Members of Parliament, Iam standing before you to humbly ask for your votes, so that I may become a Member of the Pan-AfricanParliament.I am certain that in terms of my own capabilities, many of you have read my brochures. I am aneconomist having trained in different fields in economics as well as in International Marketing. I possessqualities that have enabled me to work for the International Organisations such as the United NationsDevelopment Program and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and I have served indifferent capacities as a consultant on various issues including those that related to nonperforming assets as well as International Trading in Commodities which is related to the AgriculturalSector.I have a kin interest to become a Member of the Pan African Parliament because one of the thingsthat you have done is in such to prepare me to acquire some capacity building in which I have been able tounderstand the relationship between Europe and Africa. That, Europe is in fact the natural partner ofAfrica and the natural partner of Africa what they do in Europe has fundamental relations to Africandevelopment and therefore in terms of the ne<strong>go</strong>tiations that <strong>go</strong> on between Africa and Europe I believe thatI could be in a position to service and be able to be a <strong>go</strong>od representative in the Pan African Parliament. Ihumbly ask for your vote. Thank you.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions to him?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No questions.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any question? Ooh, yes.

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