Read - bunge .parliament.go. tz

Read - bunge .parliament.go. tz

Read - bunge .parliament.go. tz


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MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No question!!DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions? Does anybody have a question?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No question!!DEPUTY SPEAKER: Okay. You can now take your seat.HON. WILLIAM J. KUSILA: Thank you very much, please vote for me.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Next Honourable Dr. Milton Makon<strong>go</strong>ro Mahanga, you are now giventhree minutes to make your speech and ask for votes. You may be asked three questions if they have any.Please <strong>go</strong> ahead.HON. DR. MILTON M. MAHANGA: Honourable Deputy Speaker, Honourable Members ofParliament, my name is Dr. Milton Makon<strong>go</strong>ro Mahanga, Member of Parliament for Ukonga Constituency.Members of the Parliament with the humbleness and great humility, I stand before you to request, to ask,actually to beg for your vote so that I could be one of the representatives of this House to the Pan-AfricanParliament. I trust that you have had chance to <strong>go</strong> through a document which I had distributed earlier onwhich contains my CV and brief account of how during the last three years I have been a Member ofParliament in this House, I have participated and contributed in regional, continental and internationalforum on economic, social and political issues that impeached on the welfare and development of people ofAfrica.Dear Honourable Deputy Speaker, Honourable Members of Parliament if you elect me to theParliament of the Pan-African Parliament, let us be assured that I will not be a mere delegate from Tanzaniain the Parliament but I will be an effective representative that is capable of debating and discussing issuesconvincingly, intelligently and eloquently just as I have been doing in this House for the last three years. Sodear Members for Parliament, Honourable Deputy Speaker Sir, I beg for your votes all of you. Thank youvery much.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Any questions?MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENT: No question!!DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable Dr. Mahanga, you can take your seat. Next.RETURNING OFFICER: Honourable George Francis Mlawa.DEPUTY SPEAKER: Honourable George Francis Mlawa, you are now given three minutes tomake your speech and ask for votes. They may ask you three questions if they have any. Please you cannow <strong>go</strong> on. Thank you.HON. GEORGE F. MLAWA: Honourable Deputy Speaker and the Honourable Members ofParliament, with the leave of the Honourable Deputy Speaker, I humbly present myself to you esteemedMembers of Parliament as a Candidate to the new reform Pan-African Parliament. Yet, I feel that I have toapproach this endeavour ability of a trepidation because I am full aware, but you as a voter will seek tovote for candidates with acredibility and gravitons.All the same I feel that, if you elect me to this August Body, that is the Pan-African Parliament, Iwill and I pray God, do the needful to the standard required by the statute establishing the Pan AfricanParliament and also to the standard of the peoples of Africa that we are required to serve.Honourable Deputy Speaker, will you allow me at this juncture make a short quotation from oneknown writer George Bernard Show...

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