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strski izpiti (priprave nanje in izpiti) ternacionalne poklicne kvalifikacije.Obrt in malo gospodarstvo - nekateripodatki o poslovanju za leto 2006Pretežen del obrti spada v malo gospodar -stvo, in predstavlja njegov pomemben del.Po podatkih za leto 2006 je bilo v obrti 42,6odstotka vseh samostojnih podjetnikov indružb malega gospodarstva, ki so zaposlovali42,4 odstotka delavcev (povprečno številozaposlenih na podlagi delovnih ur v letu2006), ustvarili 34,6 odstotka čistih pri -hodkov od prodaje in za odstotek manj sku -pnih prihodkov, izkazali 17,4 odstotka čisteizgube, delež obrti v aktivi oziroma sredstvihje bil 23,9-odstoten.Če pogledamo te podatke nekoliko natan -čne je oziroma ločeno za samostojne podjet -nike in za družbe, se podatki spremenijo, kerje v obrti struktura samostojnih podjetnikovin družb drugačna kot v malem gospo -darstvu.V malem gospodarstvu je bil z vidika številasamostojnih podjetnikov in družb delež obrtipri samostojnih podjetnikih 62,3- odsto -ten in le 15,7-odstoten pri družbah. Maj -hni podjetniki v obrti so glede na podjetnikev malem gospodarstvu v povprečju zaposlo -vali več delavcev, ustvarili več prihodka, ime -li več sredstev in podjetnikovega dohodka terizkazali tudi več čiste izgube, pri čemer pa jebil delež čiste izgube vseeno nižji od deleževveč ustvarjenih prihodkov, večje aktive inpodjetnikovega dohodka.Prav tako so družbe v obrti v povprečjuzaposlovale več delavcev kot družbe malegagospodarstva, ustvarile več prihodkov in imeleing follow above all the newest develop -ments in technical and business field as wellas the demand in the field of safety andhealth at work. Among cofinancing are alsomaster exams (preparatory courses andexams) as well as national professionalqualifications.Craft and Small Economy – some Data onBusiness for 2006The major part of craft belongs to smalleconomy and represents its important part.According to data for 2006, there were 42,6percent of all independent entrepreneursand companies of small economy in craftsector, they employed 42,4 percent ofworkers (average number of employees onthe basis of working hours in 2006), theyrealised 34,6 percent of net income fromsales and for one percent less total income,they showed 17,4 percent net loss, the shareof craft in assets was 23,9 percent.If we look at these data a little more preci -sely or separately for independent entrepre -n eurs and companies, the data change,beca use in craft, the structure of indepen -dent entrepreneurs is different than the onein small economy.In small economy and from the view of thenumber of independent entrepreneurs andcompanies, the share of craft at indepen -dent entrepreneurs was 62,3 percentand only 15,7 percent at companies.Small entrepreneurs in craft sector emplo -yed more workers in comparison to entre -pre n eurs in small economy, they realisedmore income, had more means and incomeof the entrepreneur, they showed more netloss whereby the share of net loss was lowerthat the shares of added income, moreassets and income of an entrepreneur.At the same time, companies in craft sectoremployed more workers in the average thanObrt v številkah 2007 41

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