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AnaStankovic-MT.pdf - Institut tehničkih nauka SANU AnaStankovic-MT.pdf - Institut tehničkih nauka SANU
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Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za fizičku hemijuAna Stanković141. Shen, L., Bao, N., Yanagisawa, K., Domen, K., Gupta, A., Grimes, C.A., Directsynthesis of ZnO nanoparticles by a solution-free mechanochemical reaction.Nanotechnology 2006, 17, (20), 5117-5123.142. Tsuzuki, T., McCormick P.G., ZnO nanoparticles synthesised by mechanochemicalprocessing. Scripta Materialia 2001, 44, (8/9), 1731-1734.143. Yadav, B. C., Srivastava, R., Dwivedi, C.D., Pramanik, P., Moisture sensor basedon ZnO nanomaterial synthesized through oxalate route. Sensors and Actuators, B:Chemical 2008, 131, (1), 216-222.144. Zhang, S., Chi, L., Li, X., Preparation of ZnO nanoparticles by precipitation/mechanochemical method. International Journal of Nanoscience 2002, 1, (5 & 6),563-567.145. Zunic, M., Brankovic, Z., Bernik, S., Ges, M.S., Brankovic, G., ZnO varistors fromintensively milled powders. Journal of the European Ceramic Society 2007, 27, (13-15), 3897-3900.146. Fah, C.P. Xue, J., Wang, J., Nanosized zinc-oxide particles derived from mechanicalactivation of Zn 5 (NO 3 ) 2 (OH) 8·2H 2 O in sodium chloride. Journal of the AmericanCeramic Society 2002, 85, (1), 273-275.147. Baranov, A.N., Panin, G.N., Kang, T.W., Oh, Y., Growth of ZnO nanorods from a saltmixture. Nanotechnology 2005, 16, (9), 1918-1923.148. Kanade, K.G., Kale, B.B., Aiyer, R.C., Das, B.K., Effect of solvents on thesynthesis of nano-size zinc oxide and its properties. Materials Research Bulletin 2006,41, (3), 590-600.149. Li, Y.X., Chen, W.F., Zhou, X.Z., Gu, Z.Y., Chen, C.M., Synthesis of CeO 2nanoparticles by mechanochemical processing and the inhibiting action of NaCl onparticle agglomeration. Materials Letters 2005, 59, (1), 48-52.150. Adair, J.H., Shrout, T.R., Messing, G.L., Pecora, T.M., Mandanas, M.M. Dynamiccontrol and enhanced chemical milling of ceramics to submicron particle sizes.WO0230572 (A1) 07.09.2002., 2002.151. Ding, J., Tsuzuki, T., McCormick, P. G., Ultrafine alumina particles prepared bymechanochemical/thermal processing. Journal of the American Ceramic Society1996, 79, (11), 2956-2958.152. Tsuzuki, T., McCormick, P.G., Synthesis of CdS quantum dots bymechanochemical reaction. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing1997, 65, (6), 607-609.153. Mentus, S., Mioč, U., Odabrane metode fizikohemijske analize. Fakultet zaFizičku hemiju, Beograd 1992, 41-69; 113-121; 193-208.154. Tsuzuki, T., McCormick, P.G., ZnO nanoparticles synthesised by mechanochemicalprocessing. Scripta Materialia 2001, 44, (8-9), 1731-1734.155. Wahab, R., Ansari, S.G., Kim, Y.S., Seo, H.K., Kim, G.S., Khang, G., Shin, H.S.,Low temperature solution synthesis and characterization of ZnO nano-flowers.Materials Research Bulletin 2007, 42, (9), 1640-1648.92

Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za fizičku hemijuAna Stanković156. Avvakumov, E. G., Karakchiev, L. G., Features of the procedures to obtainultrafine zirconium dioxide by mechanochemical method. Journal of MaterialsScience 2004, 39 (16-17), 5181-5184.157. Dodd, A. C., McCormick, P. G., Synthesis of nanocrystalline ZrO 2 powders bymechanochemical reaction of ZrCl 4 with LiOH. Journal of the European CeramicSociety 2001, 22, (11), 1823-1829.158. Huang, H. M., Mao, S., Feick, H., Yan, Hoaquan et al., Room-temperatureultraviolet nanowire nanolasers. Science 2001, 292, 1897-1899.159. Wang, Y.W., Zhang, L.D., Wang, G.Z. et al., Catalitic growth of semiconducting zincoxide nanowires and their photoluminiscence properties. Journal of Crystal Growth2002, 234, 171-175.160. Look, D. C., Recent advances in ZnO materials and devices material. Science andEngineering B 2001, 80, 383-387.161. Čeliković, A.; Kandić, L.; Zdujić, M.; Uskoković, D., Synthesis of ZnO and ZrO 2powders by mechanochemical processing. Materials Science Forum 2007, 555, 279-284.162. Guerard, D., Janot, R., Ghanbaja, J., Delcroix, P., Ball-milling with a fluid: Apowerful means for new synthesis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2007, 434-435,410-414.163. Kersen, U., The gas-sensing potential of nanocrystaline SnO 2 produced by amechanochemical milling via centrifugal action. Applied Physics A 2002, 75, 559-563.164. Galatsis, K., Cukrov, L., Woldarski, W., McCormick, P.G., P- and n-type FedopedSnO 2 gas sensors fabricated by the mechanochemical processing technique.Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 2003, 93, 562-565.165. Adair, J.H. et al. Ceramic slip composition and method for making the same.US006514894(B1), 04.02.2003., 2003.166. Boldyrev, V.V., Mechanochemical modification and synthesis of drugs. Journal ofMaterials Science 2004, 39, 5117-5120.167. Wang, Z. L., Zinc Oxide nanostructures: growth, properties and applications.Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 2004, 16, R829-R858.168. Ao, W., Li, J., Yang, H., Zeng, X., Ma, X., Mechanochemical synthesis of zinc oxidenanocrystalline. Powder Technology 2006, 168, (3), 148-151.179. Molchanov, V.V., Buyanov, R.A., Tsybulya, S.V., Kryukova, G.N., Shmakov, A.N.,Boronin, A.I. and Volodin A.M., Effect of Mechanochemical Activation of the CatalyticProperties of Zinc Oxide. Kinetics and Catalysis 2004, 45, 684-693.170. Dushkin, A. V., Rykova, Z.Yu, Boldyrev, V.V., Vinogradov, E.A., Guss, F.V. andChetverikov, V.P., Patent RF N 2099058. 20.12.1997.171. Tsuzuki, T., McCormick, P.G., ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by mechanochemicalprocessing. Scripta Materialia 2000, 44, 1731-1734.93

Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet za fizičku hemijuAna Stanković156. Avvakumov, E. G., Karakchiev, L. G., Features of the procedures to obtainultrafine zirconium dioxide by mechanochemical method. Journal of MaterialsScience 2004, 39 (16-17), 5181-5184.157. Dodd, A. C., McCormick, P. G., Synthesis of nanocrystalline ZrO 2 powders bymechanochemical reaction of ZrCl 4 with LiOH. Journal of the European CeramicSociety 2001, 22, (11), 1823-1829.158. Huang, H. M., Mao, S., Feick, H., Yan, Hoaquan et al., Room-temperatureultraviolet nanowire nanolasers. Science 2001, 292, 1897-1899.159. Wang, Y.W., Zhang, L.D., Wang, G.Z. et al., Catalitic growth of semiconducting zincoxide nanowires and their photoluminiscence properties. Journal of Crystal Growth2002, 234, 171-175.160. Look, D. C., Recent advances in ZnO materials and devices material. Science andEngineering B 2001, 80, 383-387.161. Čeliković, A.; Kandić, L.; Zdujić, M.; Uskoković, D., Synthesis of ZnO and ZrO 2powders by mechanochemical processing. Materials Science Forum 2007, 555, 279-284.162. Guerard, D., Janot, R., Ghanbaja, J., Delcroix, P., Ball-milling with a fluid: Apowerful means for new synthesis. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2007, 434-435,410-414.163. Kersen, U., The gas-sensing potential of nanocrystaline SnO 2 produced by amechanochemical milling via centrifugal action. Applied Physics A 2002, 75, 559-563.164. Galatsis, K., Cukrov, L., Woldarski, W., McCormick, P.G., P- and n-type FedopedSnO 2 gas sensors fabricated by the mechanochemical processing technique.Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 2003, 93, 562-565.165. Adair, J.H. et al. Ceramic slip composition and method for making the same.US006514894(B1), 04.02.2003., 2003.166. Boldyrev, V.V., Mechanochemical modification and synthesis of drugs. Journal ofMaterials Science 2004, 39, 5117-5120.167. Wang, Z. L., Zinc Oxide nanostructures: growth, properties and applications.Journal of Physics:Condensed Matter 2004, 16, R829-R858.168. Ao, W., Li, J., Yang, H., Zeng, X., Ma, X., Mechanochemical synthesis of zinc oxidenanocrystalline. Powder Technology 2006, 168, (3), 148-151.179. Molchanov, V.V., Buyanov, R.A., Tsybulya, S.V., Kryukova, G.N., Shmakov, A.N.,Boronin, A.I. and Volodin A.M., Effect of Mechanochemical Activation of the CatalyticProperties of Zinc Oxide. Kinetics and Catalysis 2004, 45, 684-693.170. Dushkin, A. V., Rykova, Z.Yu, Boldyrev, V.V., Vinogradov, E.A., Guss, F.V. andChetverikov, V.P., Patent RF N 2099058. 20.12.1997.171. Tsuzuki, T., McCormick, P.G., ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by mechanochemicalprocessing. Scripta Materialia 2000, 44, 1731-1734.93

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