ucwaningo olunzulu ngenqina nokucebisa kwayo ulimi lwesizulu

ucwaningo olunzulu ngenqina nokucebisa kwayo ulimi lwesizulu

ucwaningo olunzulu ngenqina nokucebisa kwayo ulimi lwesizulu


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oneness.(Berglund, 1976:61).Kuyavela ukuthi inkatha iphelela uma isisongwe ngesikhumba senhlwathi.Igcinwa kahleendlini okungangeni kuyo noma ngubani. Igcinwa kahle ngenhloso yokwenza isizwe sihlalesiburnbene ukuze singachithwa yizitha:The idea behind the keeping ofthis sacred coilwas that in it was embodied the very essence ofboth King and Nation and it symbolized thebinding together ofevery member ofthe communityinto one great and powerful unit. Through itspreservation their unity and strength were maintained:should it be destroyed, both King and Nationwould be scattered and driven from their land.(Binns, 1974: 122).Amazwi kaBinns adinga ukuthelwa ngomquba ngoba aliqiniso lodwa.Ukuhlikizekakwenkatha kudala ukuba isizwe sibenhlakanhlaka.Ukuh1ikizwa kwenkatha yesizwesamaZulu ngamaNgisi emva kwempi yasoNdini ngonyaka ka - 1879 kwaholela ekutheniisizwe samaZulu silahlekelwe lubumbano.Olunye ukhalo olumqoka ekulungiseleleni umkhosi wokweshwama, ukulanda uselwalwenkosi. Uselwa lulandwa ogwini lolwandle. Inkosi ijuba amadoda aqotho ukulandauselwa Izithunywa ziphinde zikhe amanzi olwandle kanye nawernifula emikhulu ezweni lakwaZulu:... Certain carefully-selected and trustworthymessengers were sent down to the coast tocollect the small round gourds ofthe wilduSelwa plant and a quantity ofsea water towhich was added water from their great rivers,the Tugela, the Urnfolozi and the Urnhlathuze,

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