ucwaningo olunzulu ngenqina nokucebisa kwayo ulimi lwesizulu

ucwaningo olunzulu ngenqina nokucebisa kwayo ulimi lwesizulu

ucwaningo olunzulu ngenqina nokucebisa kwayo ulimi lwesizulu


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6.4.6 Ezikhuthaza umuntu ukuba afune izeluleko kwabanye(i) Isaga= Inyathi ibu:cwa kwabaphambi/i.Lapho sisuselwa khona= Sisuselwa esenzweni sabazingeli sokukwaziukugwema ingozi enokubehlela:...Hunting parties went out in olden days, theycame upon many wild anirnaIs includingbuffaloes. Buffaloes were not very tame creatures,and wounded buffalo was always a source ofgravedanger. Ifa party had aroused and wounded abuffalo, and were stalking it, it was alwaysthose ahead who might have seen the direction ittook. In that way, the chances ofcoming upon theadvisable to move cautiously, and inquire fromanimal suddenly and unexpectedly were reduced.(Nyembezi, 1954: 180).IncazeloKuhle umuntu abuze kwabanolwazi yikhonaezothola izeluleko eziqotho.Ukubumbeka ngokwesigqiSibunjwe ngarnagama arnathathu. Igamalokuqala emshweni linamalunga amathathu,kanjalo nelesibili linamalunga arnathathubese elesithathu liba namalunga amahlanu.(ii) Isaga= Ingwe ibu:cwa kwabaphambi/i.105

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