Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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VRSTA ZEMLJIŠTA KAO JEDAN OD FAKTORAOD KOJIH ZAVISI BRZINA KRETANJAZAGAĐIVAČALayth Nesseef, Ahmed TumiFakultet za primenjenu ekologiju Futura, <strong>Univerzitet</strong>SingidunumIzvod: Pored temperature, vlažnosti, pH vrednosti zemljišta,hidrološkog režima i vrsta zemljišta ima veliki uticaj na brzinukretanja zagađivača. Veštačka đubriva i druge materije mogu dadeluju na reakcije struktura biogenosti zemljišta i da doprinesusabiranju zagađivača u zemljištu. U ovom radu su upoređene brzinekretanja zagađivača na dva uzorka zemljišta: pesak i les. Uzorcipotiču iz Srbije (pesak sa obala Save, les iz Bežanije).Ključne reči: zagađivači/zemljište/ pesak/les/đubrivoTYPE OF SOIL AS ONE OF THE FACTORS THATDETERMINE THE SPEED OF MOVEMENT OFPOLLUTANTSLayth Nesseef, Ahmed TumiFaculty of applied ecology Futura, University SingidunumAbstract: In addition to temperature, humidity, soil pH value,hydrological regimes and soil types also have a major impact on thespeed of pollutants motion. Fertilizers and other substances can acton structure response of biogenesis of the soil and contribute to theaddition of pollutants in the soil. This work was compared speed ofmovement of pollutants in two samples of soil: sand, and loess. Thesamples came from Serbia (the sand from bank of the Sava River,loess from Bezanija).Key words: pollutants/ soil/ loess/ fertilizers~ 91 ~

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