Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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Growth of the stands of forest tree species on abandonedcarbonate lands in Slovakia is assessed about 20-40 years after theirafforestation. Empirical material was obtained in 1995 on 4permanent research plots in Hrhov locality where limestone is parentrock, and on 3 experimental plots with dolomite parent rock inPeriská locality. We may consider the stands formed of the mixtureof Austrian pine, Scots pine and Manna ash the most suitable. Thementioned tree species reach also the best height and diametergrowth. Both pine species reach on the studied sites average siteclasses what means that in future they may fulfil also woodproduction function. The results confirmed the knowledge thatAustrian pine, Scots pine together with Manna ash are the mostsuitable tree species for afforestation even of the most extremeabandoned lands, especially on carbonate parent rocks. Any moresignificant differences in their growth on limestone or dolomiteparent rock were not found.REFERENCESHALAJ, J., GRÉK, J., PÁNEK, F., PETRÁŠ, R., ŘEHÁK, J., 1987: Rastovétabuľky hlavných drevín ČSSR. [Yield tables of main treespecies]. Bratislava, Príroda 1987, 361 pp.TUŽINSKÝ, L., 1998: Delimitácia pôdneho fondu a históriazalesňovania nelesných pôd [Delimitation of soil ground andhistory of afforestation of non-forest lands]. In: Zalesňovanienelesných pôd stále aktuálne [Afforestation of non-forest lands isstill actual], Zvolen, Lesnícky výskumný ústav Zvolen, 1998, p.9-13ZACHAR, D., ČERMÁK, V., INTRIBUS, R., CHARVÁT K., LEONTOVIČ,R., MIDRIAK, R., TRANČÍK, P., 1969: Výskum spustnutých pôdPerísk a ich zalesňovanie [Research of deteriorated soils inPeriská and their afforestation]. Lesnícke štúdie, No 2, 1969,Bratislava, Príroda, 144 pp.ZACHAR, D., INTRIBUS, R., LIPTÁK, J., MIDRIAK, R., SLIVKAK, J.,1973: Výskum zalesňovania spustnutých pôd v Slovenskom krase[Research on the afforestation of devastated soils in the SlovakKarst]. Lesnícke štúdie, No 16, 1973, Bratislava, Príroda, 164 pp.~ 366 ~

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