Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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notice there were afforested about 6,500 ha of lands until1945.Though immediately after 1945 there were efforts to afforestabandoned lands quickly, they were not successful. In 1954 therewas adopted General plan of the improvement of agriculture, forestand water management. Main objective of this plan was delimitationof agricultural and forest land resources. Lands unsuitable foragricultural purposes were included into forest land resources andthey were intended for afforestation. In the first stage lands onextreme sites were afforested, and in the second stage lands withpermanently low yields. Decision on afforestation of about 260,000ha of lands for the period 1959-1980 was the result of delimitation.After its implementation the forest coverage of Slovakia had toincrease by 5%. Regarding the mentioned area about one half wasafforested, and one half of afforested lands were formerly abandonedlands with extreme site conditions. In Slovakia mainly bad soilproperties, bad air and soil microclimate and namely bad waterregime represent extreme site conditions. Last effort with large-scaleafforestation of non-forest lands was carried out in 1994 when thegovernment of SR adopted a programme on afforestation of landsnot usable in agriculture. The programme was cancelled after fiveyears and at present non-forest lands are afforested only sporadically.1. RECONSTRUCTION OF FOREST ON CARBONATESOILSForest Research Institute started to participate in theprogramme of afforestation of abandoned lands in 1961. Forestresearchers dealt mainly with ways of afforestation of abandonedcarbonate lands. These lands had the most extreme conditions and itwas the reason that the afforestation failed. TUŽINSKÝ (1998) statesthat in that period there were established 24 experimental plotswhere various tree species were tested, as well as various soilpreparations, quality of planting stock and its treatment after plantingout. Experimental plots were established in two typically carbonatelocalities (Fig. 1), one locality Periská in western part of Slovakia(ZACHAR et al. 1969) and locality Hrhov in southeastern part(ZACHAR et al. 1973). Locality Periská was situated on dolomitelimestone (in the Brezovské Mountains) and locality Hrhov on~ 360 ~

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