Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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periodeffectsTable 1. Trend in expected effects of afforestation:1. stage17 th 2. stage 3. stagecent.1951 – 1990 1991 – 2010– 1950- soilprotection- soilprotection,-landscaping** in EUcountries atthe beginningof 90ties- soilprotection,- attenuationofagriculturalproduction,-landscaping4. stage2010 – …- soilprotection,- attenuationofagriculture,- climatechanges,- reducinggreenhouseeffect- ruraltourism,- employmentThe forest policy should encourage the development of tourismin present day and in the near future, however it did not become thepart of rural policy in Slovak republic. Rural tourism can not existwithout the aspect of rural area. The topics on the tourism, theengagement of human sources into development of rural activitiesand on the current situation of tourism, which can not exist withoutthe forest industry were elaborated by Jarábková,J.[4] and [5] andFáziková, M.and Milotová, B. [6]. The forest industry shall beintegrated into the rural area and all kind of support shall be used inorder to achieve the synergic effect. The social sources within thisfield may not be shared by the fields of activities (agriculture,tourism, forestry, crafts…) but it shall cover all capacity of ruralsources.The program of afforestation in Slovakia is carried out bywoodlanders, but without direct cooperation with farmers. Separatemanagement of forest and agricultural land and loss of relationshipbetween farmers and forest management, influenced by period ofyears 1950 - 1990 mean that the program is best promoted through aspecial state-funded institution. In Poland, where special agriculturalcooperatives were not formed, the program for the afforestation ofland is implemented for 12 years. It is supported by state funds and~ 345 ~

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