Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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PROBLEMS OF UTILIZING RIVER AS ANATURAL RESOURCE AND RIVERRESTORATION POSSIBILITIESMirjana Roksandić 1 , Jelena Milovanović 21 Faculty of geogrpahy ,University of Belgrade,2 Faculty of applied ecology Futura, Singidunum UniversityAbstract: People have utilized river flows for different purposes,first as drinkable water, and later for economic activities(agriculture, mining, transport, industry …). They have changedriver courses by the processes of channelization and rectification.Overexploitation of rivers resulted with many ecological problems,like huge floods, etc. River restoration has an aim to return river intoits natural state, renewing its flora and fauna, and redevelophydrological dynamics. In order to achieve the natural state of ariver there are many problems, like ownership over alluvial zones,using river as a public good, pollution, etc. River restoration processtakes a long time, but it is cost-effective and sustainable, becauseyounger generations will have pure and ecologically healthy river.Key words: river/ utilizing river/ river restoration/ alluvial zoneUVODOd svog postanka pa do danas čovek je bio upućen nakorišćenje reke kao resursa pitke vode, a potom i za navodnjavanje,transport, ribolov i drugo. Neolitska plemena su koristila vodenetokove da bi došla iz jugoistočne u centralnu Evropu i naselila se naobodima rečnih dolina koje su im omogućavale vodu za piće, ribolovi bavljenje poljoprivredom u aluvijalnim zonama istih. Tokomistorije čovek je eksploatisao reke, menjao njihove prirodne osobineprilagođavajući ih svojim potrebama. Reke su bile kanalisane zbogsaobraćaja (transporta ljudi i dobara), regulisane su branama iustavima zbog kontrole vodnih resursa i odbrane od poplava,prirodna staništa reka su postala fragmentirana, a aluvijalne zone susmanjene i iskrčene usled procesa urbanizacije. Usled svega ovog, a~ 304 ~

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