Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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SUMMARYSustainable thinking and behavior is not possible to order orenforce it by force but live on the principles of sustainability is theonly way to survive on our planet. The idea of sustainability is theresult of sacrifice and learns moral values of the individual [7]. Fromthis perspective the education about the importance of sustainabilityhas a great importance for the natural environment as well as for thedevelopment of society. Learning about environmentallyecoremediation technologies is one of the key aims of themunicipality Poljčane because with them are planning to solveenvironmental problems in the municipality and also some cases ofunemployment. Ecoremediations offer a range of solutions for therehabilitation of degraded areas, while also providing a more stablenatural systems and improve the condition of natural elements in theliving environment, which has a direct impact on better quality oflife of humans and other living creatures. Great importance of theclassroom in nature or Ekoremediation polygon including trainingand educational function, which is perhaps more important from thetechnical effect. Now is necessary to connect local communities onone hand and the International ekoremediation Centre on the otherhand. Together we will continue to plan new projects and in differentways promote awareness of protecting the natural environment.REFERENCES:[1] A. Senegačnik, et all., "Narava v občini Poljčane-bogatadediščina prihodnjim rodovom", oktober 2009, Poljčane, pp. 7-9.[2] A. Senegačnik, et all., "Tematske učne poti po Dravinjski dolini",avgust 2009, Poljčane, pp. 1.[3] D. Vrhovšek, et all., "Izobraževalni poligon o ekoremediacijah vModražah (Poljčane)", avgust 2009, Poljčane, pp.1.[4] D. Vrhovšek, A. Vovk Korže., "Ekoremediacije", 2009a, Mariborin Ljubljana, pp. 6 – 48.[5] D. Vrhovšek, A. Vovk Korže., "Ekoremediacije za učinkovitovarovanje okolja", 2009b, Maribor, pp. 3-6.~ 281 ~

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