Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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pond and learn about ecoremediation technology for the protectionagainst erosion and landslides. The training on a polygon is designedwith ten thematic learning pathways which are equipped withinformation boards, each thematic learning path also includes athematic handbill with the learning routes through Dravinjska dolina.This handbills can be obtained by the single track as well as on aninformation point in municipality Poljčane. By the research andlearning points are presented observatories points, test sites pointsand view points. These learning paths in Dravinjska dolina are idealnetwork for natural scientists, social scientists and sports contentwith the aim of put together all generationsand they will be able tofully experienced the landscape, learn the processes in nature andexperience experiential value of the natural environment [2].Previous experiences of local communities with the Internationalecoremediation Centre in Maribor show strong support for all localresidents and create new job opportunities in different branches ofthe economy. In the future municipality Poljčane is planning toexpand the project, villagers will be included as providers of tourism,catering and accommodation services and municipality will donatenew land to allow expansion of educational activities considernatural environment.In terms of social effects and economic effects of the polygonwe can find a number of positive effects, such as: increasing tourismand with it new employment opportunities for local people,promotion environmental protection, the possibility of relaxation orrecreation, the possibility of complementary activities in rural areas(restaurants, lodging, souvenirs), new infrastructure, promotingsustainability, experiential and active learning, etc.. MunicipalityPoljčane has supported all projects that provide integrationecoremediation technologies in the development plans ofmunicipality. Taking into account the principle of sustainabilitythrough ecoremediation technologies in the economic field they willincrease employment and global competitiveness throughinnovation, entrepreneurship and education. The social area will beencouraged by the dynamism and adaptability of citizens to thenatural environment, in the context of sustainable developmentprinciples will accelerate the entire county with regard toenvironmental and special legality under international developmentaims to protect its identity, based on culture and developments [5].~ 280 ~

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