Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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Picture1: Educational ecoremediaton polygon in Modraže(municipality Poljčane)Source: RCN Razvojni center narave2. MUNICIPALITY POLJČANE AND ITS EFFORTS TOPRESERVE THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENTMunicipality Poljčane stretches on 37.5 square kilometers andconsidering the data of the Statistical Office of Slovenia has 4548inhabitants [12]. It is located in the south central part of Dravinjskegorice above which rises a solitary karst hill Boč. Dravinja riverpresent a life vein between the Dravinjske gorice and Boč hill [13].Unspoiled nature and the nature of many small beads, whichrecognize the old and majestic trees, backwaters and floodplainmeadows along the river Dravinja or in karst phenomena, havingabandoned coal mines or in botanical specialties, where live~ 275 ~

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