Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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invested in the promotion and protection of natural environmentprotection.Key words: Ecoremediation technologys/ classroom in the nature/ecoremediation polygon/ municipality Poljčane1. IT IS IMPORTANT TO BE AWARE OF THESUSTAINABILITY PRINCIPLESIf we want to leave our generations relatively clean andpreserved environment in the future we have to respect the natureand each other, mutual coordination and also have to find a balancebetween economic, social and ecological component of sustainabledevelopment, not just as a function of each individual on a personallevel but also at higher levels of organizational community [7]. Thisidea of the basic principles of sustainability, which means the abilityto use a natural resource or ecological system takes place within thelimits of its load-bearing capacity and with which we have to live, ifwe want to live a quality and healthy life. In this perspective isimportant to utilize all aspects of environmental protectionpropaganda and try to convince as many people as we can about theimportance of sustainability. We have many variety of tools, anexcellent communication but we miss the most sincere will anddesire to begin to live sustainable [7] in order to cancel our certainhabits. In the area of municipality Poljčane we established with thehelp of locals, the mayor and financial support a project Theclassroom in the nature or so-called Ecoremediation polygon whereindividuals can learn about different types of ecoremediationtechnologys. This is the initial step in creating a sustainable regionand promote sustainability. In the future we want to extend andsupplement the polygon. However, there have been started a seriesof educational activities including primary and secondary schoolsand universitys as well. This is the way to transmit knowledge onyounger generations and teach them about the importance ofenvironmental protection. All these activities we would not be ableto create and implement, if we had not a sympathy and assistance oflocal authorities in municipality Poljčane. This is the reason why wepresent Poljčane as a perfect example of local government wherecan be done a lot with the joint cooperation.~ 274 ~

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