Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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to parasitism and may cause damage to seeds and seedlings in theirinitial stages of growth. Verticilium sp. is a fungus that lives assaprophyte on plant rests and moves to parasitism. It lives inside oftissues and causes tracheomycosis of seedlings and plants. Fusariumsp. is a parasite causing tracheomycoses of tree species.First observations show that in plantations with application ofBactoFil B much less fungi and parasites occur one year afterpreparation applying than in control without adding soil bacterial.Two years after preparation application we could observe also onsome treated variants (spruce and beech as well) invasion ofeverywhere-present rhizomorphs of Armillaria sp. The sameinteresting finding is valid for natural regeneration of spruce.CONCLUSIONFirst observations and partial results from applyingmicrobiological preparations in soils with acidic reaction, whichcontain much les bacteria than fungi (forest regeneration in Kysuceregion), demonstrate intensification of bacteria activities. By addingmicroorganisms to the soil of newly established plantations bacteriaof the order Azotobacter were activated (through decompositionprocess of plant rests that fix aerial and soil nitrogen), and thusenhanced adaptation and growth process of tree species planted out.In combination with hydrogels effects of microorganisms increased,and they had positive effect also on survival and some otherobserved growth parameters (mainly root development) alreadyduring the 1 st year. At the same time they improved health conditionof plantations.One year after the treatment in new plantations (application ofBactoFil B) laboratory analyses showed higher occurrence ofbacteria, less fungi and parasites than in control one without addingsoil bacteria. The same interesting finding was observed also innatural regeneration of spruce, on which any fungi did not cultivatethough bacteria were present on spruce as well. Following year weobserved for some individuals an invasion of everywhere-presentrhizomorphs of Armillaria sp. It is necessary to continue in theresearch in following vegetation periods because presented resultsare new and only partial results.~ 271 ~

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