Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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human activities, which endanger and lower the stability of forestecosystems in Slovakia.Changes in the quality of air, climatic factors, water regime and soilenvironment have been in a focus of forest research in Slovakia foralready several years, either with aim of monitoring the changes andanalysing interrelations or with the aim of proposing measures forthe improvement of current situation. Soil reaction is one ofimportant soil properties, which has changed in last decadessignificantly as a result of the effect of atmospheric deposition.Several authors wrote about acidification of forest soils in Slovakiacoming out from finding of very low values of soil reaction, butmainly the finding the disharmony between measured values and themorphology of soil profile. Forest soils in Kysuce region werenaturally acidic with low supplies of nutrients.Because of air pollutants effect and the changes in tree speciescomposition of stands, the situation has even worsened. Whatconcerns forestry measures in conversion of spruce monocultures inthis region, mainly and increase of the proportion of broadleaved treespecies, first of all beech and Sycamore maple to the detriment ofspruce, can be considered. Reclamation fertilization and liming offorest stands or suitable application of preparations in the frameworkof “green technologies”, as for example soil bacteria (e.g. soilconditioner BactoFil ® B), which fix soil nitrogen and aerial nitrogenin the area of roots, and simultaneously increase biological activityof acidic upper soil and root layers, may be taken into considerationas well.Climatic conditions and activity of soil microorganisms causegradual disintegration of accumulated organic matter and repeatedrelease of nutrients in the soil. Such microorganisms are lacking inthe soils in Kysuce region.Biopreparation BactoFil ® B, which contains various variants ofmicroorganisms, growth stimulators, phytohormones and vitamins,improves significantly the quality of soil. Nitrogen-fixing bacteriathat live free in the soil (in BactoFil ® – "Azotobacter“) are capable offixing nitrogen close to roots, and nitrogen from the air with the helpof associative fixing “Azospirillen“. Presence of azotobacter is anindicator of favourable soil condition (BUBLINEC 1987).Microorganisms of soil bacteria BactoFil ® A and BactoFil ® Bbiosynthesise water-soluble and non-soluble polysaccharides, and~ 260 ~

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