Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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RESTORATION AND REGENERATION OFLARGE-SCALE CALAMITY CLEARINGS AFTERTHE DISINTEGRATION OF SPRUCEMONOCULTURESAnna TučekováNational Forest Centre, Forest Research Institute ZvolenAbstract: Effect and activity of soil bacteria (order Azotobacter)added to soils was verified in the area of changed soil environmentof newly established plantations in the framework of “greentechnologies” testing. This verification was a part of restoration andreconstruction of disintegrated spruce monocultures in Kysuceregion. First observations and partial results of applyingmicrobiological preparations in the soils with acidic reactions,which contain markedly fewer bacteria than fungi, demonstratesupport to bacteria activities. By adding microorganisms to the soilof newly established plantations soil activity increases as a result ofdecomposition of plants rests. At the same time nitrogen in the soiland air is bound and adaptation as well as growth process ofplanted tree species is supported. In combination with hydrogelseffects of microorganisms grow and they affect positively survivaland some other studied growth parameters (mainly root development– already during the 1st year). Favourable effect on health conditionof plantations is confirmed as well.Key words: “green technologies”/ artificial restoration/ soilbacteriaINTRODUCTIONCharacteristics of forest environment determine the character offorest communities. Though soils, atmosphere as well ashydrosphere are in their own nature stable, some of their propertiesare characterized by a remarkable dynamics. In last decades thereoccurred such changes in forest environment, as a consequence of~ 259 ~

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