Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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slučaju da je zemljište izgubilo plodnost zbog ranijeg neracionalnogkorišćenja neophodno je analizomeksperimentalnih podataka i literature odrediti održivost produkcijebiomase.• Da li su ekosistemski pogodnije autohtone ili alohtone vrstebiljaka?Ključne reči: ekoremedijacija/ zemljište/ bioracionalno korišćenjeBIODEGRADATION AND ECOREMEDIATIONOF SOIL IN SERBIA – PROJECT ACTIVITIES OFTHE FACULTY “FUTURA”Gordana DražićFaculty of Applied Ecology Futura, SingidunumUniversityAbstract: Based on the study of soils in Serbia and the availableknowledge of hazardous and harmful substances it can be concludedthat food production can be performed without risk onapproximately 80% of the analyzed area of Serbia, On theremaining 20% of the area, it is necessary to organize production ofindustrial crops. Following sustainable land use strategic goalsapproaching trace, the Faculty of Applied Ecology "Futura"realizes special projects that integratefundamental research of degraded area, in addition to a number ofdiverse local and regional projects. Realization of the project oftechnological development, bio-rational land useand ecoremediation through production of industrial plants,TR20208;Comparative studies on the adaptability and productivity of energycrops and plants grown on agricultural land of south Slovakia andSerbia, a bilateral project with the Slovak University of Agriculturein Nitra, Faculty of European Regional Development Studies andsupported by the Ministry of Science and TechnologicalDevelopment of Serbia and the project "Degraded areas of the~ 246 ~

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