Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

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nitratnih jona u padavinama. Izvršene statističke analize su potvrdileovaj uticaj. Analize homogenosti i jednorodnosti primenjenih naisticanje karstnih voda kao i sumarne padavine ukazuju da nizovipripadaju istoj populaciji, odnosno da nije došlo do statističkiznačajnijih promena u režimima isticanja i padavina. Isti testoviprimenjeni na koncentracije nitratnih jona kako u padavinama tako iu podzemnim vodana ukazuju da je došlo do značajne promene,odnosno da uzorci ne pripadaju istoj populaciji.REFERENCE[1] Davis J, (1986): Statistics and Data Analysis in Geology, JohnWiley and Sons, New York, 660 pp.[2] Krešić, N.,Papić, P., Golubović, R. (1989): The influence ofprecipitation on the quality of karst groundwater in the industrialzones, Int. Symp. on Groundwater Management, Benidorm, Spain[3] Papić, P., Krešić, N., Golubović, R. (1991): Acid rains and theirinfluence on the quality of groundwater of Petnica Karstic springnear Valjevo town, Editions spec. de 1'Academie Serbe, vol.DCXIV, vol. 67.[4] Papić P., Golubović R., (1992): Project of hydrochemicalinvestigations of precipitation and groundwater of karst spring inPetnica, Valjevo,- Unpublished report, Funds of RS Petnica,Valjevo, 25 pp.[5] Papić P., Ristić V., Golubović R., Damnjanović V.: The influenceof physico-chemical properties of precipitation on karstgroundwater quality, The XVIth International Symposium onTheoretical and Applied Karstology, in press, Baile Herculane,Romania.[6] Papić P., Ristić V., Golubović R.,: Karst groundwater pollutionby nitrate, Transactions of the Faculty of Mining and Geology,Belgrade, Yugoslavia.[7] Prohaska S., Ristić V., (1995), Hydrology through theory andpractice, pp 525, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade,Yugoslavia.[8] Simić M., 1990, Multipurpose utilitation of karst groundwater inValjevo-Mionica area, PhD, Faculty of Mining and Geology,Belgrade, Yugoslavia.~ 170 ~

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