Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...

Conference proceedings - Zbornik Radova[1].pdf - Univerzitet u ...


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ČVRST I OPASAN OTPAD KAO FAKTORDEGRADIRANJA ŽIVOTNE SREDINEŠimon A. Đarmati, Vesna M. AlivojvodićBeogradska politehnika, BeogradIzvod: Jedan od najznačajnijih problema savremenog čovekasvakako je otpad - stalan pratilac ljudskog društva. Međutim, upočetku je kvalitet otpada bio sličan prirodnim materijama, anjegova količina nije sprečavala njegovu ugradnju u prirodnecikluse. Kako kapacitet prirodne razmene materije nije neograničen,sve veća količine otpada postala je važan faktor narušavanjaprirodne ravnoteže.Ključne reči: otpad / deponovanje /degradacijaSOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE AS AFACTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATIONŠimon A. Đarmati, Vesna M. AlivojvodićBeogradska politehnika, BelgradeAbstract: One of the most important problems of modern mancertainly is waste - a constant companion of human society.However, in the beginning, the quality of waste was similar tonatural substances, and its amount has not prevented itsincorporation into natural cycles. As the capacity of the naturalmatter exchange is not unlimited, increasing amount of waste hasbecome an important factor which is disturbing the balance innature.Key words: waste / landfilling /degradation~ 13 ~

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