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There (12; be)................................. dancers inspecial costumes (13) _____________ the floats.The carnival (14; say)......................................(15; be)....................... the largest illuminatedcarnival (16) __________ Europe, if not the world.It (17; organise)....................... in 1881(18) __________________ the first time andwas originally (19; light)..................................(20) ________________ lamps. Electric lights(21; introduce).............................. in 1913.Later (22) ________________ the evening, thereis the simultaneous (23; fire)............................of large fireworks (known as ”squibs”) (24) ________________e streets outside the town hall.I (25; enjoy).......................... the parade(26) ______________ the moment. The dancers(27; give)...........................their performance(28) ____________ the spectators. I (29; watch)............................................ them, while they(30; practise) ........................................... duringrehearsals. I (31; just / take)................................ some photos of the parade and tomorrowI (32; sell) ............................................. them(33) _________ a local newspaper.Zadanie 8. (5 pkt) – Przetłumacz na język angielskifragmenty zdań podane w języku polskim.1. I am making an effigy of Guy Fawkes, (nieprawdaż)............................................... ?2. They watched fireworks for (wiele) .............................................................. long hours.3. There are very (mało)................................................................... English people whohave never heard about Guy Fawkes.4. I worked very (ciężko) ........................................................... and now the guy is ready.5. Your invitation for Bridgwater Carnival (brzmiinteresująco)...........................................Zadanie 9. (15 pkt) – Przeczytaj uważnie tekst.W niektórych zadaniach tego tekstu popełnionobłędy ortograficzne. Jeżeli uznasz, że w zdaniuznajduje się błąd, podkreśl błędnie napisany wyrazi napisz go poprawnie w wykropkowanym miejscuodpowiadającym danemu zdaniu. Jeżeli uznasz, żezdanie jest poprawne, postaw znak √ w wykropkowanymmiejscu √ odpowiadającym danemuzdaniu. W jednej linii może być tylko jeden błąd.Poniżej podano dwa przykłady (0 i 00).000123456789101112131415James VI was born in 1566. His title was King of Scotland until1603. In this year he became James I, King of Great Britan.James was a sun of Mary, Queen of Scots. The English peoplewere tired of Elizabeth I and welcomed him gladely. He behavedharshly to Catholics and Puritans (extreme Protestants). SeveralCatholic plots against him were prepared. The most famous was theGunpowder Plot, discovered in 1605 when Guy Fawkes and othersCatholics were found in the cellar of the Houses of Parliamentpreparing explosion of gunpowder. These plots increased publicsympaty for James I. But not for long. His deeds were notas wise as his words. He belived that he had God’sauthority. He argued with Parliament over evrything andfinaly he ruled without Parliament. Then in 1621 James I hadtoo recall Parliament because he needed money. Later Jamesbecame very unpopular. He was also very found of alcoholic drink.In 1611 James I authorised a translation of the Bible from Latininto English. This translation is steel in use today.0 ….…...√……......00 ….. Britain.....1 ………………….2 ………………….3 ………………….4 ………………….5 ………………….6 ………………….7 ………………….8 ………………….9 ………………….10 …………………11 …………………12 …………………13 …………………14 …………………15 …………………KLUCZZadanie 1. (10 x 1 pkt = 10 pkt) 1. C; 2. C; 3. A;4. A, B; 5. . B, C; 6. B, D; ; 7. DZadanie 2. (10 x 1 pkt = 10 pkt) 1. False; 2. False;3. False; 4. Frue; 5. Don’t know; 6. Don’t know; 7.True; 8. False; 9. True; 10. Don’t knowZadanie 3. (10 x 1 pkt = 10 pkt) 1. C; 2. A; 3. A;4. C; 5. C; 6. D; 7. A; 8. D; ; 9. B; 10. BZadanie 4. (10 x 1 pkt = 10 pkt)1. a) strona czynna: Who (m) did King’s soldiers arrestin a cellar under Parliament?b) strona bierna: Who was arrested in a cellarunder Parliament (by King’s soldiers) ?2. When was James I King of Great Britain?3. What month did Guy Fawkes die?4. Who has celebrated Guy Fawkes’ Night since 1605?160

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