kazali?te 37/38 - HC ITI

kazali?te 37/38 - HC ITI kazali?te 37/38 - HC ITI


via our facebook rehearsal platform. We should keepworking on our theme creatively, not only administrationand perhaps we should think about how to earnmoney for ourselves in order to pay for a shortrehearsal period, if we cannot manage to get funding.I received another negative response by the way, fromFunds Darstellende Künste. ok. when can we skype?lets make a skype routine plan! Yes, that’s a goodidea. I am basically free to talk except for some timeson the weekend. but we should speak beforehand anyway. Hug, aDears, Internet is very week today, imight not be able to make it to themeeting. Lets hope it will be fine.Otherwise I will try to at least sendmy homework... Tonight I will go anddance, yes!! Love, KatharinaLooking for a female performer/ deviser! Please forward!Dear colleagues and friends,our performance group Pandora Pop is looking for a fourthfemale performer to join us on a permanent basis as a coremember. We are announcing our casting online. As youmight know we are working with various artistic strategies,producing interdisciplinary work combining pop culture elementswith so-called high art. We all have a strong backgroundin devising theatre and performance art, some affiliationwith contemporary dance/ physical theatre.The group functions in a non-hierarchical way: all membersare performer, director and dramaturge. Certain responsibilitiesare divided based on skills, availability and interest. Theinternational aspect is very important to us, as we live inthree different countries and include our cultural backgroundas well as the difficulties of spatial separation into our artisticdevelopment. We mainly work through the Internet onadministration as well as artistic research and practicalpreparation for rehearsals. We are currently looking forsomeone who is willing to contribute to the groups’ artisticand organizational development as a full member. Thismeans that she would be just as much involved as we allare in conceptual development of future projects and administrativetasks, as well as performing on stage. If you areinterested to apply or you have any questions, please senda CV and a letter of motivation to: info@pandora-pop.deTake care and have a happy New Year!Anna, Petra and KatharinaDid you watch the videos Britta sent?I love Britta s work it s so weirdo-funny verynice. Also she was very pleasant on Skype.Good imaginationxxpDear all and welcome Britta!In case I can’t do tomorrow night for Skype, is itpossible to speak also just with one of you anothertime (i.e. late tonight?)?KatharinaDears, I ´m sending you first integralSkype dialogues Anna and me didin the period between May 2008 andDecember 2008. As we were talkingabout the dramaturgy of chat conversationsand including some realstuff from our real work into theperformance, I m sending you thismaterial as a first thing to try towork on for the textual parts.Please take a look at it and readand pay attention to all details andsend them back. Then I ll compileall colours. I mean, if we manageto do the rainbow this time, we aregood.Britta, Bourriaud is in Englishonly, you are right.I like your notes/remarks abouttexts. xpWeird phrases in grammar of different languages.Interruptions through physical needs and circumstances inone persons direct surrounding. A strange urge to correctones own and the others spelling even though it is understood.Technical disruptions. Minor and major misunderstandingsdue to shortening phrases and mixing of virtual and physicalspace. Distraction. Made up phrases that become insiders.Being disconnected in many ways. Trying to turn physicalityinto language to get attention. Wrong copy/paste. Unclearabbreviations. Being late and excusing. Being NOT there.Cryptical stuff. Personal stuff. Sentences without subject.Mixing topics in one message. Technical trouble. Workingsimultaneously on different things (chatting and writing –discussing and working), identifying with your computer.Being (in) visible. xBglamourtrish Dec/17/08 9:31 PMok, my dear. Maybe we should speak just brieflyTo finish off this year. Is it possible on 25. ???I am totally knackered and a bit ill.My boyfriend is totally knocked out and i had to take care of him.now i feel i am getting it as well.i got to go to sleep now. my head is exploding.Petra Zanki Dec/22/08 9:43 PMyes..glamourtrish Dec/22/08 10:00 PMthen i can breakfast with my familyok?oksorryPetra Zanki Dec/22/08 10:00 PMok!..let’s talk on Christmas...Glamourtrish Dec/22/08 10:05 PMyep, lets tak on x-mas about allyepall good except few wordscity is called HildesheimPetra Zanki Dec/22/08 10:06 PMah god...so typical meglamourtrish Dec/22/08 10:06 PMShe won’t find Hindelsheimo on the mapoh, well.neverindnevermindglamourtrish Dec/22/08 10:07 PMRight, girl my head is on the keyboard......falling asleepPetra Zanki Dec/22/08 10:07 PMget healthy!!Glamourtrish Dec/22/08 10:07 PMI trytake carehear yo soonhappy holidayskissnighty nightgoodbye.Dear Petra,i am packing... can you tell me if i will need asleeping bag for Zagreb. How and where will westay the three weeks?Thank you.B.(…)Pandora Pop ANNOUNCES THEIR NEW PERFORMANCE. PANDORAPOP IS HAPPY TO FINALLY GATHER. PANDORA POP invites alltheir virtual online „friends” live and in colour TO JOIN. PAN-DORA POP ANNOUNCES THEIR NEXT real gathering in a realspace! PANDORA POP FEELS HAPPY. PANDORA POP FEELS SAD.PANDORA POP IS IN ZAGREB. PANDORA POP IS STATUS UPDATE.Sorry! (stereo unplugged) Openingnight: May 2/2009, Plateaux FestivalMousonturm Frankfurt am MainCelebrating the moment of coming together, THEY are servingmixed drinks and hot tunes. Singing along to sexy tape recordings,their party potential infects the audience as they enter.The hosts wear sparkly neon costumes: But the place is a mess,maybe the moment of togetherness has already passed a longtime ago: We see a dance floor, traces, a battlefield on themorning after... xA126 I KAZALIŠTE 37I38_2009127

One of the ladies announces the last song of thenight. Someone else offers to take you home ororder a taxi for you. They ask how you enjoyedthe evening and hope that you will join them nexttime again. They apologize. A women whisper thatsnogging you was fantastic, but now we all haveto return back to reality. A man eats the lastpieces of pasta salad and dips bread into someoneelse’s wine glass. We hear the sound of two girlssitting in a dark corner, giggling. The soundmoves from the back of the room towards the middle.It meets with a boy’s voice asking to helphim find his keys. Someone vomits. Gunfire. Oneof the hostesses asks everyone to just ignore theshots and enjoy the last few minutes of thenight. xABeing late and excusing. Being NOT there. Cryptical stuff.Personal stuff. Sentences without subject. Mixing topics inone message. Working simultaneously on different things(chatting and writing – discussing and working), identifyingwith your computer. Being (in) visible.She whispers: “I’ve always depended on the kindnessof strangers.”This is where it all started.http://www.myspace.com/stereounpluggedfacebook name: Pandora Pop128 I KAZALIŠTE 37I38_2009129

One of the ladies announces the last song of thenight. Someone else offers to take you home ororder a taxi for you. They ask how you enjoyedthe evening and hope that you will join them nexttime again. They apologize. A women whisper thatsnogging you was fantastic, but now we all haveto return back to reality. A man eats the lastpieces of pasta salad and dips bread into someoneelse’s wine glass. We hear the sound of two girlssitting in a dark corner, giggling. The soundmoves from the back of the room towards the middle.It meets with a boy’s voice asking to helphim find his keys. Someone vomits. Gunfire. Oneof the hos<strong>te</strong>sses asks everyone to just ignore theshots and enjoy the last few minu<strong>te</strong>s of thenight. xABeing la<strong>te</strong> and excusing. Being NOT there. Cryptical stuff.Personal stuff. Sen<strong>te</strong>nces without subject. Mixing topics inone message. Working simultaneously on different things(chatting and writing – discussing and working), identifyingwith your compu<strong>te</strong>r. Being (in) visible.She whispers: “I’ve always depended on the kindnessof strangers.”This is where it all star<strong>te</strong>d.http://www.myspace.com/s<strong>te</strong>reounpluggedfacebook name: Pandora Pop128 I KAZALIŠTE <strong>37</strong>I<strong>38</strong>_2009129

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