kazali?te 37/38 - HC ITI

kazali?te 37/38 - HC ITI kazali?te 37/38 - HC ITI


Performing the Online:A Possibility of EstablishingLong-distance CollectivesEvery morning I open my eyes first then I open up platforms troughwhich I communicate. Sometimes with several people at the same time.Edited by Petra ZankiSorry! (stereo unplugged) is both the performance and workexperiment that was developed in 2008/2009 by artists AnnaHertling, Katharina Trabert, Britta Wirthmüller and me. Itreflects upon our everyday work practice as globally interconnectedartists and it is critically dealing with the currentdiscourse about migration and identity in the age of the web2.0 (web 3.0) society.I met Hertling and Trabert for the first time (online) inFebruary 2008. Since none of us lived in the same city orcountry, we decided to find strategies that will help usrehearse and create a performance together despite our totallack of financial resources and huge spatial distances. Weformed the new core team of Pandora Pop internationalgroup ** and started our everyday long distance rehearsals.The fourth permanent member, Britta Wirthmüller, was castedonline and joined the group in February 2009. The groupmet for the first time in life and colour in Zagreb in spring2009, to work on performance material.With the help of one dramaturge and one performer fromGermany, a musician and producer from England, and amusician and video artist from Croatia, we made a piecewhich is the result of 730 hours online conference calls, 120hours of one-to-one Skype meetings, 323.560 lines of internetchat, 234 concept development e-mails, two social platformaccounts, one blogger account, one online videoaccount, 156 text messages, 567 hours spent on online-workingplatform and 576 hours spent in a re(hears)al space.Working process and the performance were inseparably connected:while working on how to make a performance, wewere learning how to work together. The result will be shown118 I KAZALIŠTE 37I38_2009in the form of the performance that will have its Croatianpremiere in winter 2009.The following text is made of notes, e-mails and chats thatPandora Pop exchanged online between January 2008 andMarch 2009, while trying to create the performance thatdeals with social contacts offline and online. Administrativeand conceptual correspondence preceded a very short periodof rehearsals in a real space.Inspired by last essays of Nicolas Bourriaud, I edited thistext * as a negative, a mirror- image, fictional documentationof an instruction manual made for performance, written onthe reverse of performed material.However, this text is only a scratch that will hopefully growinto an applicable method of using Internet social platformsas a tool for efficient artistic collaboration. A method thatwould practically and pragmatically merge new technologieswith rather complicated performance practices. Itwould focus on how to sustain devised and performance artworksas well as research despite of lack of financial support.Both, the method on which I’m currently working, andthis text, could be used by any benevolent individual a) forfurther researches; b) as an example of survival manual kitin recession times; c) for education purposes; d) as a textthat fills in the whites of Pandora Pop performance in question;only and exclusively under Copyleft licence indicated at theend of the text.119

My home is where my hardware is. My soul is where free wirelessis. I’m floating a bit.Sorry! (stereo unplugged)Dears, I will just pinpoint down againthe decisions we agreed on how to worktogether in order to make every day andthe entire rehearsal process in Zagreb(especially considering the time pressureof three weeks) as efficient aspossible, valuing everybody’s approachto the work, working with our differencesand different experiences andknowledge.- One group member will lead every day.- On each Sunday of the week (or beforethe next rehearsal time) a plan is madefor who takes over which day of theweek- the days led by each individual obviouslyhave to be based on the rehearsalprocess so far. Apart from that theleader is completely free in how to setup the day.- The person leading the day has toalso schedule eventual preparation work(video session the evening before, distributionof a text to read, a task toprepare...)- the leader of the day should give ashort explanatory introduction to eachexercise/task to facilitate understandingof its purpose- nobody is to then question the sensexPof the proposed tasks and exercises inorder to not stop the person in hisplan for the day. Any thoughts and critiqueon the exercises/tasks we writedown and share in the feedback sessionat the end of the day- all talk about material should bebased on constructive discussions (whatis good and needs to be developed andtaken further? in the short time wehave its risky to loose time speakingabout things we know already don’twork)- the ‘leader’, more than being aleader is responsible to guarantee thatthe programmed working times are beingrespected and used well- the leader can, if he wants, delegatetasks to other members during his day.Kisses xxKglamourtrish May/12/08 7:15 PMHi, are we waiting for Katharina? Or is she not available?Petra May/12/08 7:22 PMCan u please wait me I have to do something in 10 min? I don t knowwhere is KShe said that she would come too?glamourtrishMay/12/08 7:24 PMI don t know, I thought you asked herI’ll write a message.Petra May/12/08 7:25 PMOh, I didn’t. She doesn’t answer me on the message yesterdayglamourtrish May/26/08 3:52 PMI sent you the paper. What do you think/?Petra May/12/08 7:26 PMMaybe we can see the paper with her too. How are u?glamourtrish May/12/08 7:28 PMGood, txs. Where you online fifteen minutes ago? My computer didn’tshow anyone. I restarted it. Now it seems to work. Strange thingsthese pc’sPetra Jun/6/08 11:31 PMYes I was thereglamourtrish Jun/17/08 11:11 AMI am making coffee, be right back. Would you like one?Petra Zanki Jun/17/08 11:29 AMYes...would love! I just woke up. I hate when I sleep like this but yesterdayI stayed late awaken...glamourtrish Jun/17/08 11:29 AMYesglamourtrish Jul/28/08 1:03 PMGreat. Did you sent out the draft?No I didn’t t. We didn’t t agree on whowill do it. Since I m now in BuenosAires, from last Tuesday till 4.09. Ididn’t t contacted Katharina. I sentout to both of you the version with myremarks. I cut it of a bit withoutchanging the order and structure. Keepin mind that I m in the time zone thatis 5 hours earlier than you – if wewant to have a Skype meeting. Maybe theone of you who is in Europe can send iteasier and before weekend, so it meanstomorrow. Otherwise, we are stacked abit. I can join you this Sunday (andcalculate to be on time, Europeantime). Maybe it can be Saturday 19.pm(your time)? I m sending you the LASTkind of version, which has 1000 words.IN ATTACH! Hear from you very soon,PetraShifting between a desperate need for a steady home and anunsteady lifestyle lead by the search for ultimate entertainment,the performers can’t settle down in one reality or theother. And still they are trying to move forward while everythingelse has suddenly stopped. Their constant struggle tomove away from the reversing reality is an action of lastresort, which produces the opposite effect: rather than movingat all, the space seems to be stuck in time. THEY are trapped in avicious circle, where their ambitious struggle of producingsomething new actually holds them in the place they alreadyare. In the end their efforts of working against the audiences(and everyone else’s) reality must lead to the conclusion thatall their can achieve is a balance between reverse and forward,but never overcome this. xaDears, I’m travelling to south of Italytomorrow. Basically I’m living temporarilyin friends flat where I don’thave phone or Internet. After a fewmonths I will move in with a friend inthe very centre of Rome. I’d suggest tosort things out writing, because Ithink I’ll only be able to Skype againon Sunday and then Anna can’t. Anna, Ihave to update my CV because the one Ihave is not an artist’s cv. How elsecan I help? I can help with texts; sendme whatever you want me to look at. xxKPetra, how nice, so I will hopefullysee you soon in Terni!!Hi girls, I am on the run to Austria, just wantedto say I am back next Monday, I will send thework today. I will tell you more when I am back.It was good. Nothing definitive thoughaPetra Zanki Aug/13/08 12:20 PMDo you feel sometimes like floating in a bubble?glamourtrish Aug/13/08 12:21 PMIn a bubble?Petra Zanki Aug/13/08 12:21 PMYes.In a chewing gum bubble over the cities. The one that finish on sometree, of course..glamourtrish Aug/13/08 12:23 PMHm.Petra Zanki Aug/13/08 12:25 PMDo you think I should work more to make the things easier for you?Yes, hm, I know, hm is the word.glamourtrish Aug/13/08 12:30 PMIn the evening Kat and me can try to work on the concept includingyour ideas about the space and Elena’s feedback.Yes that would be helpfullomLetterOkI’ll catch up with you on chat in about an hour, ok?CiaoPetra Zanki Aug/13/08 12:32 PMCiao!OkSorry, but what kind of space did you talked about when floating?THEIR SPACE IS A Temporary- transitory place:: Place that isabandoned. Place that REMINDS of some past times when itwas a place of shared happiness. Place where disco died. Noplaceland. That is a ghostly somehow. Ended. BUT that stillGLITTERS. The place that could be changed and re-changed withvery simple and cheap, but yet effective moving set up. SpaceTHAT could mime somehow multiplied windows opening on the120 I KAZALIŠTE 37I38_2009121

Performing the Online:A Possibility of EstablishingLong-distance CollectivesEvery morning I open my eyes first then I open up platforms troughwhich I communica<strong>te</strong>. Sometimes with several people at the same time.Edi<strong>te</strong>d by Petra ZankiSorry! (s<strong>te</strong>reo unplugged) is both the performance and workexperiment that was developed in 2008/2009 by artists AnnaHertling, Katharina Trabert, Britta Wirthmüller and me. Itreflects upon our everyday work practice as globally in<strong>te</strong>rconnec<strong>te</strong>dartists and it is critically dealing with the currentdiscourse about migration and identity in the age of the web2.0 (web 3.0) society.I met Hertling and Trabert for the first time (online) inFebruary 2008. Since none of us lived in the same city orcountry, we decided to find stra<strong>te</strong>gies that will help usrehearse and crea<strong>te</strong> a performance together despi<strong>te</strong> our totallack of financial resources and huge spatial distances. Weformed the new core <strong>te</strong>am of Pandora Pop in<strong>te</strong>rnationalgroup ** and star<strong>te</strong>d our everyday long distance rehearsals.The fourth permanent member, Britta Wirthmüller, was cas<strong>te</strong>donline and joined the group in February 2009. The groupmet for the first time in life and colour in Zagreb in spring2009, to work on performance ma<strong>te</strong>rial.With the help of one dramaturge and one performer fromGermany, a musician and producer from England, and amusician and video artist from Croatia, we made a piecewhich is the result of 730 hours online conference calls, 120hours of one-to-one Skype meetings, 323.560 lines of in<strong>te</strong>rnetchat, 234 concept development e-mails, two social platformaccounts, one blogger account, one online videoaccount, 156 <strong>te</strong>xt messages, 567 hours spent on online-workingplatform and 576 hours spent in a re(hears)al space.Working process and the performance were inseparably connec<strong>te</strong>d:while working on how to make a performance, wewere learning how to work together. The result will be shown118 I KAZALIŠTE <strong>37</strong>I<strong>38</strong>_2009in the form of the performance that will have its Croatianpremiere in win<strong>te</strong>r 2009.The following <strong>te</strong>xt is made of no<strong>te</strong>s, e-mails and chats thatPandora Pop exchanged online between January 2008 andMarch 2009, while trying to crea<strong>te</strong> the performance thatdeals with social contacts offline and online. Administrativeand conceptual correspondence preceded a very short periodof rehearsals in a real space.Inspired by last essays of Nicolas Bourriaud, I edi<strong>te</strong>d this<strong>te</strong>xt * as a negative, a mirror- image, fictional documentationof an instruction manual made for performance, writ<strong>te</strong>n onthe reverse of performed ma<strong>te</strong>rial.However, this <strong>te</strong>xt is only a scratch that will hopefully growinto an applicable method of using In<strong>te</strong>rnet social platformsas a tool for efficient artistic collaboration. A method thatwould practically and pragmatically merge new <strong>te</strong>chnologieswith rather complica<strong>te</strong>d performance practices. Itwould focus on how to sustain devised and performance artworksas well as research despi<strong>te</strong> of lack of financial support.Both, the method on which I’m currently working, andthis <strong>te</strong>xt, could be used by any benevolent individual a) forfurther researches; b) as an example of survival manual kitin recession times; c) for education purposes; d) as a <strong>te</strong>xtthat fills in the whi<strong>te</strong>s of Pandora Pop performance in question;only and exclusively under Copyleft licence indica<strong>te</strong>d at theend of the <strong>te</strong>xt.119

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