stavebníctvo, výstavba a regionálny rozvoj - EUROREPORT plus

stavebníctvo, výstavba a regionálny rozvoj - EUROREPORT plus

stavebníctvo, výstavba a regionálny rozvoj - EUROREPORT plus


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on pointing out the twenty to fifty year old<br />

housing estate that is a time bomb which<br />

is subject to be discussed more frequently.<br />

The owners of flats and/or tenants of rental<br />

flats are helpless to deal with the issue and<br />

support of the State is of peanuts. I don’t<br />

exaggerate saying that in a few years the old<br />

housing estate will litterary bury us.<br />

It is generally known that there are<br />

rather huge differences between<br />

the regions. In what respect can<br />

you foresee to diminish them<br />

prospectively?<br />

The Slovak Republic belongs to the<br />

countries of vast regional differences.<br />

Neither the Government nor respective<br />

competent ministries pay sufficient<br />

attention to the issue accordingly. Slovakia<br />

may be treated as non-standard country<br />

with respect to it, and therefore, the<br />

Government has to adopt non-standard<br />

measures aimed at equalizing the<br />

differences. Otherwise, we may experience<br />

the same situation as in Dresden,<br />

Germany, where share of inhabitants got<br />

decreased by twenty-seven to thirty per<br />

cent. Such a depopulation for instance in<br />

Central or Eastern Slovakia could be rather<br />

dangerous.<br />

Although significant investors have<br />

brough and created vacancies they still<br />

did not solve out the issue related to small<br />

and medium businesses, being stressed by<br />

the Government and respective ministries,<br />

notably the Ministry of Economy. This<br />

aspect is being neglected and does not<br />

comprise such an activity within the objects’<br />

clause as it should have. In other words, in<br />

Slovakia there are small and medium-sized<br />

businessmen completely erased and any<br />

authority does not give a damn about<br />

this phenomenon. It will be a tough job<br />

to revive the issue applying non-standard<br />

measures to be taken but as a matter of<br />

fact the Government really does not think<br />

of treating the hot issue. There has to be an<br />

action plan adopted urgently with the aim<br />

to back up small and medium businessmen<br />

and to involve them into business arena.<br />

Economic analysis of European countries<br />

say that twenty per cent is represented by<br />

huge investors and eighty per cent relates<br />

to small and medium businessmen. In the<br />

Slovak Republic the ratio between the said<br />

businessmen is on the contrary reverse<br />

what can reflect a sorrowful phenomenon<br />

in Slovakia’s development.<br />

Speaking about regional diversity, the<br />

worst situation can be found in eastern<br />

Slovakia. Where can you see the main<br />

reasons of this phenomenon?<br />

It is a combination of problems. Partially,<br />

infrastructure is one of the problems. I<br />

gained valuable experience in person with<br />

potential investors in Central Slovakia’s<br />

region I come from by the way, and they<br />

were often dissatisfied how to build up<br />

their centres there situated close to roads<br />

of heavy traffic. Therefore, in the said<br />

regions there should be small and medium<br />

businessmen more supported who could<br />

handle both infrastructure and transport<br />

to the small and medium extent.<br />

But the procedure does not proceed as it<br />

should due to the fact that the Government<br />

still neglect and ignore regional diversity,<br />

hiding hot problems under fictitious<br />

statistical data about unemployment<br />

produced by the minister of labour, social<br />

affairs and family, Ľudovít Kaník, and the<br />

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.<br />

Another hot problem relates to insolvency<br />

O B J E D N Á V K A<br />

na predplatné časopisu euroREPORT na rok 2005<br />

Záväzne si objednávame predplatné časopisu euroREPORT<br />

pre rok 2005 od čísla 1 - 12/2005 v cene 815 Sk vrátane poštovného<br />

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pečiatka a podpis<br />

of regions. There have to be brought<br />

significant investors who would back up<br />

small and medium businessmen in order<br />

that the current state would get changed<br />

as close to standard capitalization of<br />

the region as possible, while creating<br />

and providing the openings. I am afraid<br />

that services are favourized in regions to<br />

detriment of manufacture.<br />

The third problem is immense of all: taxes<br />

as taxation of entities existing in Slovakia,<br />

is being implemented in Bratislava where<br />

there is profit remaining as a matter of fact<br />

to detriment of regions reporting no profit.<br />

Transport is significant part of<br />

development of regions. The<br />

Government cancelled numerous<br />

regional routes some time ago, some<br />

heads of district administrations<br />

were even considering to cancel<br />

connections overlapping the territory<br />

of other territorial unit. Finally, things<br />

were put back as they used to be as<br />

it would have a negative impact on<br />

life in regions. How do you assess the<br />

current situation?<br />

I classify it as unchanged as the<br />

Government does not give a damn about<br />

it further. I really treat it funny when the<br />

Government cancelled regional routes and<br />

in four months the Cabinet re-introduced<br />

them again. It is a conceptless solution of<br />

the Ministry of Transport, Communication<br />

and the Telecommunications and the<br />

Railways of the Slovak Republic. The State<br />

has made the higher territorial units<br />

responsible for bus transport and it seems<br />

that this year it is going to do the same<br />

with railway transport saying that they<br />

are better landlords who will manage it<br />

better.<br />

V prípade, že ste predplatiteľom žiadame o potvrdenie objednávky na rok 2005.<br />

V prípade, že naďalej nemáte záujem odoberať časopis, oznámte nám túto skutočnosť<br />

písomne alebo telefonicky na tel./fax: 02/544 34 107, tel.: 02/546 40 687-9<br />

Adresa na zasielanie písomných objednávok:<br />

AKTUAL PRESS s.r.o., Panská 9, 811 01 Bratislava<br />

Objednávky na predplatné prijíma každá pošta a doručovateľ Slovenskej pošty. Objednávky do zahraničia vybavuje Slovenská pošta, a.s.,<br />

Stredisko predplatného tlače, Námestie slobody 27, 810 05 Bratislava 15, e-mail: zahranična.tlac@slposta.sk

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