Eesti juhised südamehaigete taastusraviks - Ravijuhend.ee

Eesti juhised südamehaigete taastusraviks - Ravijuhend.ee

Eesti juhised südamehaigete taastusraviks - Ravijuhend.ee


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Kas Te tunnete, et olete täis energiat? Jah Ei<br />

Kas Te tunnete, et olukord on lootusetu? Jah Ei<br />

Kas Te arvate, et enamusel inimestest läheb paremini kui Teil? Jah Ei<br />

Kursiivis trükitud vastused viitavad depressioonile ja annavad 1 punkti.<br />

Tulemus üle 5 punkti viitab depressioonile.<br />

Kasutatud kirjandus<br />

1. ACC/AHA 2002 Guideline Update for Exercise Testing. A Report of the<br />

American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on<br />

Practice Guidelines (Committ<strong>ee</strong> on Exercise Testing). Circulation 2002;<br />

2. Ades PA, Grunvals MH. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing before and after<br />

conditioning in older coronary patients. Am Heart J 1990; 120: 585-589.<br />

3. Ades Philip A, Medical Progress: Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary<br />

Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease. New England Journal of Medicine.<br />

2001 September 20, 345(12):892-902.<br />

4. Arak-Lukmann A, Zilmer M, Maaroos J, Zilmer K, Vihalemm T, Kullisaar T,<br />

Vider J. Oxidative stress before and after exercise conditioning in patients<br />

following surgical revascularization of the myocardium. International Journal<br />

of Rehabilitation Research 25; 4:2002, 1-10.<br />

5. Arvan S Exercise performance of the high risk acute myocardial infarction<br />

patient after cardiac rehabilitation. Am J Cardiol 1988;62:197-201.<br />

6. Balady GJ, Ades PA, Comoss P, Limacher M, Pina IL, Southard D, Williams<br />

MA, Bazzarre T Core components of cardiac rehabilitation/secondary<br />

prevention programs: A statement for healthcare professionals from the<br />

American Heart Association and the American Association of Cardiovascular<br />

and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Writing Group. Circulation 2000; 102(9):1069-<br />

77.<br />

7. Balady GJ, Fletcher BJ, Froelicher ES, et al. Cardiac rehabilitation<br />


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