2. Füüsiline disain

2. Füüsiline disain

2. Füüsiline disain


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TTÜ: Andmebaasi füüsiline <strong>disain</strong> (2012)<br />

© Erki Eessaar<br />

Eesti keeles<br />

Transaktsioonanalüüs<br />

Sorteerimata fail<br />

Sorteeritud fail<br />

Sorteeritud andmefail, millele on<br />

defineeritud primaarne indeks<br />

Füüsiline kirje<br />

Tabeliruum<br />

Indeks<br />

Primaarne indeks<br />

Sekundaarne<br />

Teisene indeks<br />

Unikaalne indeks<br />

Liitindeks<br />

Mitmekomponendiline indeks<br />

B-puu<br />

Tasakaalustatud puu<br />

Kahendpuu<br />

Bitmap indeks<br />

Bitmap-joini indeks<br />

Klasterdatud indeks<br />

Klastri võti<br />

Päringu täitmisplaan<br />

Hõe indeks<br />

Tihe indeks<br />

Klassifikaatori tüüpi tabel<br />

Inglise keeles<br />

Transaction analysis<br />

Ordered (sequential) file<br />

Unordered (heap) file<br />

Indexed sequential file<br />

Physical record<br />

Block<br />

Page<br />

Tablespace<br />

Index<br />

Primary index<br />

Secondary index<br />

Unique index<br />

Concatenated index<br />

Compound index<br />

Composite index<br />

Multicolumn index<br />

B-tree<br />

Balanced tree<br />

Binary tree<br />

Bitmap index<br />

Bitmap join index<br />

Clustered index<br />

Cluster key<br />

Query execution plan<br />

Sparse index<br />

Dense indeks<br />

Reference table<br />

4. Kasutatud materjalid<br />

1. Andros, G., 200<strong>2.</strong> An Analysis and Methodology of Pl/SQL Program<br />

Tuning. Master’s Thesis. Tallinn Technical Univesity, Institute of<br />

Informatics. 93 p.<br />

<strong>2.</strong> Connolly, T.M. & Begg, C.E., 2001. Database systems. A Practical<br />

Approach to Design, Implementation and Management. Third Edition.<br />

Pearson Education. 1236 p.<br />

3. Garcia-Molina, H. & Ullman, J. D., 2000. Database System<br />

Implementation. Prentice-Hall. 653 p.<br />

4. Gulutzan, P. & Pelzer, T., 2003. SQL Performance Tuning. Addison-<br />

Wesley. 495 p.<br />

5. Harrison, G., 2000. Oracle SQL High-Performance Tuning. Second<br />

Edition. Prentice Hall. 630 p.<br />

6. Index Organized Tables (IOT). Oracle-Base. [WWW]<br />

http://www.oracle-base.com/articles/8i/IndexOrganizedTables.php<br />

(11.05.2004)<br />

7. Kulkarni, K., 2003. Overview of SQL:2003. 2003-11-06. [WWW]<br />


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